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March 17, 2020 AsktheBuilder Emergency Alert

Your life may be turned upside down right now because of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

I've got several things for you. ALL are important.

1. I'm going to INCREASE the frequency of these newsletters to help you with your home as we navigate this crisis. The blasts will be SHORTER and easier to consume. How can I HELP YOU? CLICK or TAP HERE and tell me.

2. I started testing yesterday LIVE YouTube video streaming to help you. I've got one more test to do this afternoon, and then I'm going to start to do one-hour LIVE video streaming sessions where you can send in your question about your home and I will answer it LIVE.

You can even CHAT with me LIVE during these sessions. It's very cool.

The videos will be recorded and you can watch them LATER, if you can't tune in LIVE. If you want me to answer your question, it would help me if you send in a PHOTO(S).

Use my Ask Tim page to do this and say in your question you'd like me to use it for my LIVE YouTube feed. CLICK or TAP HERE now to send in your question and photo(s).

3. Toilet Paper SHORTAGE: You may not have TP. If you're using paper towels, flushable wipes, etc. DO NOT FLUSH THESE down your toilet. You can clog your building drain and it could cost you HUNDREDS of dollars to fix.

WATCH my Flushable Wipes video to understand WHY you should never ever do this!! I tell you at the END OF THE VIDEO how to get rid of the soiled things.

BTW, damp 1/2 sheets of paper towels make for a FANTASTIC TP substitute.
Flushable Wipes Test Video

Finally, HOW can I help you get through this crisis? What are you most worried about with respect to your home?

I want to hear from you. Go to my Ask Tim page and send me a note.

I may reach out to you tomorrow to alert you to the first LIVE YouTube broadcast. If you have your own YouTube account, you can get an INSTANT message that I'm broadcasting live.

First, go to my YouTube channel and SUBSCRIBE. Then in your settings hunt around for how to get NOTIFICATIONS when a new or LIVE video has been posted.

That's enough for today.

It's time we ALL help each other. Did you buy a three-month supply of TP paper? If so, take 15 rolls and go around your neighborhood and give one roll to each neighbor. Believe me, you'll feel FANTASTIC after doing this.

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com
Certified CLEANER - www.StainSolver.com
Emergency Comms 3.539 - www.W3ATB.com

Do It Right, Not Over!

P.S. I'm serious when I say to go out and share some of your TP paper. After all, you don't have food for three months, so what in the world are you going to use it for???????


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