January 26, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter
Is this your first newsletter? Well, I'm most certainly glad to make your acquaintance! I've got a crazy question for you, and BTW it won't be my last one! By any chance are you a fan of hayrides? I'm told they can be life changing just like knowing how to have a basement or crawlspace as dry at the Atacama Desert. CLICK or TAP HERE if you'd like to know how to have a DRY BASEMENT!
You may be one of my old friends, now mind you I'm not referring to the crispiness of your bones and gray cells. If that describes you, then you know this issue could be one for the record books.
The Annual Treasure Hunt - Next Week!
It's a pretty long story but about six years ago, I discovered, quite by accident I might add, that you love love love to discover new products. But you prefer to do it wrapped up nicely in a challenging game topped off with a fancy bow.
I came up with the idea of a Treasure Hunt that you could do to find out all the great things LE Johnson makes. My talented son drew the map you see above.
Bottom Line: LE Johnson makes, hands down, the absolute BEST hardware for any type of sliding, by-pass, bi-fold, or pocket door.
Next week I need you to participate in the Treasure Hunt game next week. It's really a FUN brain teaser.
LE Johnson makes this newsletter possible. If it weren't for them, this newsletter would disappear.
It's important for you to play the game next week, discover new things about LE Johnson, and be inspired about how you can recapture space and have GORGEOUS DOORS at your home.
CLICK HERE to get FREE QUOTES from LOCAL contractors for any job in or around your home. |
STOP Your House from Burning Down!
Look at this infrared photo:
What do you think it is? What is WHITE HOT - see the crosshairs? - and WHY is it so hot?
CLICK or TAP HERE to discover why you should really be concerned about what's going on in the photo. My friend Steve, and his gorgeous wife Karin, were almost statistics from a similar electrical problem in their home.
CLICK or TAP HERE to make sure you don't make the innocent mistake that Steve and Karin made.
You'll discover some new technology I'm using right now in my own home to ALERT me instantly if it senses a problem with my house wiring!
Cleaning Common Stains - Bedding
Do you own a one-of-a-kind quilt like this or some amazing blanket you inherited or made yourself?
Tell the truth. You weren't reaching for that bottle of chlorine bleach thinking that a dilute amount would be okay, were you?
I'd use certified organic Stain Solver to restore this heirloom quilt so it looks like new.
WHY? CLICK or TAP HERE to get a feel for how SAFE Stain Solver is and how DANGEROUS chlorine bleach is.
Do you finally want to try Stain Solver to restore hundreds of things around your home? My Old Man Winter SALE ends TOMORROW NIGHT.
Use this promo code: OMW
to get 10% off any purchase greater than $25 and FREE SHIPPING to all four commonwealth states and the other 44 that all touch one another.
CLICK or TAP HERE now to save all your things and some SWEET MOOLA.
Winter Photos from My House
You may be one that's been asking, "Hey Tim, how bad is it this year up in New Hampshire? Do you have much snow?"
Well, here's but one piece of eye candy for you. CLICK or TAP HERE or the image below to see MANY MORE:

Here's the sun rising just about a month after the winter solstice. This photo was taken on January 22, 2020.
Tim the Builder - Solomon of Modern Marriages
More often than you might guess, I'm asked to settle an argu..., er I mean a spirited discussion, between two people living under the same roof.
Look at this photo and tell me if you can guess what got someone's blood pressure up higher than the Goodyear Blimp.
CLICK OR TAP HERE to see if your guess was correct.
BONUS points if you know the CORRECT ANSWER before you click!!!
That's enough for a Sunday morning!
Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com
CLEAN all your Stuff - www.StainSolver.com
Send Kelp or is it HELP? - www.W3ATB.com
Do It Right, Not Over!
P.S. Do you have a ghost door? Do you know what that is? CLICK or TAP HERE to discover how to get rid of the pesky spirit forever!