Temperature of Composite Decking

Look at the bottom step of the Trex Transcend decking. It's 152.3 F! That's hot enough to cause burns to bare skin in just seconds. (This important column was featured in the August 1, 2021 Newsletter.) Copyright 2018 Tim Carter
"I think the decking can get to over 160 F, or more, the closer you are to the summer solstice. "
Temperature of Composite Decking - Can Cause Burns Fast!
The temperature of composite decking is hotter than you'd ever imagine. I tested my own Trex Transcend composite decking.
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What was the Temperature of the Decking?
The temperature of my composite decking was 152.3 F. I measured it just after noon on August 10, 2018 using a FLIR thermal imaging camera attached to my smartphone. It was a cloudless day and the sunlight had been striking the decking for hours.
What is the Highest Temperature Composite Decking can Get?
I think the decking can get to over 160 F, or more, the closer you are to the summer solstice. The summer solstice is always on or about June 21st of each year. This is when the sun is highest in the sky and goes through the least amount of atmosphere.
Does Wood Decking Get as Hot as Composite Decking?
Yes, wood can get as hot. I measured a piece of 3/4-inch oak decking and it was the exact same temperature as the composite decking, 152.3 F!

The wider piece of wood is solid oak 3/4-inch thick. The narrow board is a treated lumber 2x4. They are suspended in the air to ensure the test is accurate because the composite decking below is exposed to air beneath the deck. Setting the pieces of wood directly on the composite decking would yield inaccurate results. Copyright 2018 Tim Carter

The crosshairs of the FLIR camera are on the oak as you can see. Note the temperature. I would have bet money it would have been cooler. Copyright 2018 Tim Carter
What is the Temperature of Treated Lumber?
The temperature of the treated lumber 2x4 was 138.2 F. That's just 14 degrees cooler than the composite decking.

You can see the FLIR crosshairs squarely on the middle of the treated lumber 2x4. It had been in the direct sunlight for hours. The temperature is 138.2 F. Copyright 2018, Tim Carter
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