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Stain Solver

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Organic * Color-Safe * Oxygen Bleach

Your Everyday, Everything Cleaner

You're here because you want to know more about Oxygen Bleach. That's a good thing!

Stain Solver is an oxygen bleach and there are many others you may see in grocery stores, big box stores or on TV commercials. The problem you have is figuring out which one is best.

NOTE: In my September 20, 2020 Newsletter, I asked for your help with Stain Solver. Click to see how you can help.

Oxygen bleaches are powders that have been around for decades. They're used each day by hospitals, hotels, and giant uniform companies to clean garments, sheets, pillows, and any other fabric. If you used chlorine bleach on these things, they'd be ruined within a few months.

Oxygen bleach is color safe and fabric safe. It's non-toxic. It's safe around plants. It's simply an amazing product all homeowners should use. 

Stain Solver safely and powerfully blasts away dirt, stains and odors from anything water-washable. Mixing Stain Solver’s pure-as-snow powder with water creates a fizzing, cleaning solution that’s tough on stains and odors yet gentle on your stuff.

The all-natural and organic solution dissolves stain and odor molecules, leaving your possession restored. Whether a 10-year-old deck, wine-stained carpet, heirloom linens or filthy grout, Stain Solver can save it.

"We used your Stain Solver on the deck of our summer home in New Jersey with amazing results. The photo clearly shows the striking difference between the mildew-covered decking and the clean wood. We loved your advice about using a garden hose instead of a pressure washer." - Gail M. from PA



Click on any of the images below to view the before and after stories provided by Stain Solver Customers.

Clean with Stain Solver Stain Solver
Stain Solver Tile Stain Solver Deck cleaning
Stain Solver Roof cleaning before & after

Oxygen bleach solves many problems. It cleans and renews safely most anything from decks to grout, to whitewalls and old, yellowed, but favorite sweaters, to laundry and pet disasters .. and more! Stain Solver is a non-toxic wonder cleaner!

Do you need the wonder product - Stain Solver? Go here: Stain Solver


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