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Snow Be Gone Contest

Ready for some fun? (See note below - Contest was open for entries from March 27, 2014 until April 15, 2014)

UPDATE VIDEO Posted May 5, 2014.

You get to guess what day the LAST of the snow is gone from the cul-de-sac at the top of my driveway. Right now there's a massive pile. Check the picture below, then watch my video. AUTHOR'S NOTE: I added the SECOND video below on April 16, 2014 after the contest closed for entries.

Snow Drift



I'm sure more than one person will pick the correct day. In that case, one winner will be selected at RANDOM from that group. Please only one guess per person!

The winner gets a 9-pound container of Stain Solver. If the winner of the contest does NOT live in the lower 48 states of the USA, a substitute prize will be awarded. It's impossible to ship Stain Solver to any place other than the lower 48 states.

This contest was featured in my March 30, 2014 AsktheBuilder Newsletter.

NOTE: This contest has closed. Come back next year if we have a snowy winter! The winner will be notified once all the 2013 - 2014 snow has melted.


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