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Secret AsktheBuilder Guacamole Recipe

Secret AsktheBuilder Guacamole Recipe

Here's a recipe I've perfected over the years with the help of my son. As you can see in the photos below, he likes to consume massive quantities of it. So will you after you taste it.


Tim Carter

famous AsktheBuilder guacamole

Here's a closeup shot of the famous AsktheBuilder guacamole. It's more addictive than crack cocaine. Photo credit: Tim Carter


  • 2 avocados
  • 1/2 lemon or lime
  • 1/2 teaspoon yellow mustard
  • 1 teaspoon worcestershire sauce - really! (don't leave this out!)
  • 1/4 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon coarse sea salt - best from Atacama Desert if possible
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1/2 cup of red onion - minced
  • 1/2 cup of tomatoes - diced
  • OPTIONAL: cilantro to taste - see notes below


Split the avocados lengthwise to remove the pit. Strike the pit with a sharp knife to embed blade in center of pit. Protect hand from cuts. Don't do this if drunk or taking meds. Wear a work glove if clumsy or uncoordinated. Put glove on the correct hand - the one holding the avocado.

Twist embedded knife to remove pit. Discard pit or keep it to use as a handy weapon to ward off nuisance neighborhood kids.

Scoop avocado meat, flesh, pulp, green stuff out of the hard gnarly outer avocado casing that looks like the skin of a 75-year-old sun worshiper.

Put avocado goop in a medium bowl, add in all the ingredients down to the garlic. Mash all this up using a hand-held pastry blender that has the small serrated blades and is slightly curved. It's my FAVORITE tool to make guac.

Once the goop, spices and stuff are mashed up well, add the rest of the ingredients, stir well and get ready to go into an AsktheBuilder Guacamole Food Coma.

Write your doctor's name and phone number on your forehead so the EMTs know who to call when they come to revive you. If doing this in a mirror, remember you have to write BACKWARDS as you look in the mirror so it looks right to someone looking at you.

CILANTRO NOTE: I'm one of the 10% of the population that has weird taste buds. When those of us eat cilantro, it tastes like we just bit into a BAR OF SOAP. Seriously. UGH! So I don't eat that green poison. If you like it, add it to your rendition of my Secret AsktheBuilder Guacamole. 

Credits: Special thanks to my son for helping with this project and to my dear wife for organizing the ingredients list and helping with the Instructions.

A meal you'll never forget. Try Frito's corn chips with it. Yummy! Photo credit: Tim Carter

A meal you'll never forget. Try Frito's corn chips with it. Yummy! Photo credit: Tim Carter

CLICK HERE to share your delicious recipe with Tim's AsktheBuilder family. This recipe was shared in my April 8, 2014 Newsletter.


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