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Plumbing Supplies Survey

I love, love, love things made in the USA. How about you?

CLICK HERE to read the backstory on this Survey. It was in Tim's May 23, 2018 Newsletter.

Would you be excited to discover important plumbing supplies that can protect your home from catastrophic water damage might start to be made in the USA again? Currently, these plumbing supplies are made offshore.

Over the years, I've received more than my fair share of horror stories about substandard quality when it comes to these supplies and parts. My own primary-care doctor is an avid DIYr and he had quite a few failures when he was re-plumbing his vacation home. He was frustrated trying to locate quality plumbing supplies made in the USA.

If you'd rather purchase something made in the USA, then please do me and yourself a favor and take the following short survey. It will take you less than one minute, guaranteed.


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