Q&A / 

November 19, 2017 AsktheBuilder Forgets

A few hours ago I sent out a news blast. I forgot two things!!!

"Comment Held for Approval"

I asked you to watch my new video format and then comment at the bottom of the page.

You may have commented and typed it a second time because after clicking SUBMIT you didn't immediately see your comment.

I forgot to tell you that I HOLD all comments for approval. The reason is simple.

AsktheBuilder.com is a MASSIVE target for SPAM comments other websites try to place on my site so they can suck on my aged SEO nectar.

AsktheBuilder.com is older than Google.com and other websites constantly want me to link to them. Because I've been on the Internet so long, since 1995, Google considers me a top tier authority on all things home improvement.

This requires me to delete SPAM comments so I have my comments set that none show at all until I approve them.

In the future, just type your comment, check it for spelling and typos and click SUBMIT. You'll eventually see it, although it might take up to a day for me to approve it.

Please don't submit multiple *identical* comments thinking my website is broken.

Oh, here's another tip if you leave comments at websites. If you type a long one, BLOCK and COPY your comment before you click SUBMIT. More than one comment has disappeared in the ether! This saves you from typing twice.

Thanksgiving Table Accidents

and Pots & Pans

I forgot to tell you I've got a super STRESS reliever!!!

Holidays like Thanksgiving are filled with family stress and drama.

Maybe you're getting out that heirloom tablecloth / napkin set. Perhaps you just got NEW carpet installed.

By accident someone spills red wine, gravy, beet juice, cranberry juice and everyone FREAKS at the table!

Stain Solver to the RESCUE!

Years ago, a woman wrote this story to me I need to share:

"Dear Tim,

I wanted to tell you how Stain Solver saved my holiday. Two days before Thanksgiving I had new WHITE carpet installed.

One of my dinner guests spilled her red wine on my tablecloth and it sloshed over onto the carpet. She was mortified and tried to get up to start to clean it.

I told her to remain seated, I wasn't flustered and said, 'Don't worry. I'll get it tomorrow. I've got Tim and Kathy's Stain Solver. It will get all the stain out. Let's get back to having fun.'

I'm so thankful you make this great product and it saved our Thanksgiving!"

Do you want your pots and pans, cookie sheets, and glass cookware to be like NEW for your company?

Or do you want them to look great after all that cooking?

Look at these crazy before and after photos I took myself three days ago!!! Yes, this is a pan we use everyday here at the Carter Casa.

Kathy is very happy with what I did! What do you think?

CLICK HERE to see the step-by-step photos of HOW I made the pan look like new in hours with minimal work.

baked on grease

baked on grease

CLICK HERE NOW to order some Stain Solver.

Holiday Stress Reliever Extraordinaire

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

Tim Carter
Forgetful Date Desireman

Do It Right, Not Over and Over Tim!


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