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June 18, 2009 AsktheBuilder News

If you're a new subscriber in the last 72 hours, this has to be one of the strangest initial email newsletters you'll probably ever get. Please understand there are tens of thousands of subscribers who get my newsletter on a regular basis who've been waiting to hear this sad news.

Two hours ago, I had to send my Mom back to Heaven to be with my Dad. She hasn't seen him in over 33 years. I'm sure by now they've gotten reacquainted and are gathering up a deck of cards and stacks of poker chips to play five-card stud poker one-eyed cards wild with their brothers and sisters.

I'll share that grand story when the numbness goes away.

I want to thank you now in advance for any sentiments you send to soften the pain of today. My sister and our family deeply appreciate it. I also want to thank the Hospice nursing staff here in Cincinnati.

Rest in Peace Mom, you'll be missed more than you'll ever imagine.

Tim Carter


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