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John Deere Snowblower Video

When Mother Nature gives you a lot of snow, it provides a lot of beauty, but also a lot of work. Snowblowers are fantastic machines. This model has lots of features. But first, think about using a pair of ice cleats. This pair sketches over the bottoms of your shoes or boots. These will help you walk without slipping.

A snowblower is basically like a lawn mower. A lawn mower cuts the grass and shoots it out the chute. A snowblower does the same thing, but with a different type of blade. The augers spin and chew through the snow and forces it back to a high speed impeller. The impeller then shoots the snow up through the chute in the direction you have set. Most snowblowers allow the chute to be rotated through 180 degrees, so you can discharge the snow to the left, right, straight ahead or some where in between. Some models have a control for height of the discharge.

Another thing about snowblowers is some a like a car. They have a transmission that allows different forward speeds and even a reverse. Use the lower speeds when the snow is deeper, so you do not choke the front of the snow blower. With less snow, you are go faster.

On the bottom of the blade covering, there are small, adjustable pads. These pads adjust the depth of the cut. This is important to set for the type of surface being cleaned. When using it on a smooth, flat concrete surface, it can be set low so just about all the snow is removed.

Before starting the snowblower, be sure to open the owner’s manual and read it. Be sure to follow all the safety recommendations. These machines can be dangerous and you can get hurt. They are like any other power tool. You must respect it, but if used properly, you will do fine.

A snowblower can save your back. In fact, they can make what is normally a job and turn it into fun. Some blowers even have a light for night use.

A few final tips. Before the snow season hits, be sure to clean your driveway and sideways from branches, rocks and debris. This will help the snowblower from getting jammed. This will help you get a smooth clean drive in no time flat.


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