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January 9, 2022 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

Issue #1164 (I think)

You could be one of the hundreds of new subscribers in the past seven days. If I was a betting man, or had access to my newsletter subscription software :-> , I'd say you probably hail from Chicagoland and read my column each week in the Chicago Tribune.

Chicago is my favorite big city. I used to love walking up and down Michigan Avenue marveling at the stunning architecture and size of the older buildings. Welcome and get ready for some powerhouse newsletters in the near future!

One thing I'm working on right now is the announcement I just saw about GAF's new solar panel roof shingles. In fact, I'm devoting my LIVE video stream tomorrow (01-10-2022) to this very topic. I now LIVE stream each M-F at 4 PM Eastern Time on my YouTube channel.

On Monday, I'm going to share during the LIVE stream a laundry list of questions I'm putting forth to GAF. You need to know these because they're the same questions you should be asking your roofer!!!! BTW, you don't need a YouTube account to watch my LIVE stream each day.

Assuming you're not a new subscriber, you might be one that's been with me since 1996 and still have deep in your email records issue #1. Good for you, because I don't have it!

Forest for the Trees

I'm sure you've heard that old idiom, "You can't see the forest for the trees."

Boy, that sure describes me! I was so focused putting together your gifts over the past weeks, investing countless hours with my nose inches from the grindstone, that I didn't look up and out into the forest.

In last week's issue, #1163 (I think...), I shared how you could get for free all of the following:

  • My Roofing Ripoff expose' eBook where I reveal how you can make shingles LAST for 40 or 50 years!
  • My Linear French Drain 90-minute streaming video - No more WET BASEMENTS, crawlspaces, or soggy yards!
  • My Bath Remodeling Checklist and Contractor Hiring Guide
  • My Water Heater Replacement Checklist and Plumber Hiring Guide
  • My Concrete Sidewalk, Driveway, Patio Specifications, and Drawing
  • My Kitchen Remodeling Checklist and Contractor Hiring Guide
  • My Chimney Crown Repair Specifications - 99.99% of masons do it WRONG!!!
  • My Roofing Replacement Checklist and Contractor Hiring Guide - An amazing 3-page PDF file

While you might be one that did take advantage and downloaded all the free goodies, an astonishing number just shrugged their shoulders and went about their daily business. There are probably twenty, or more, valid reasons for not picking up your gifts.

One of them could have been the timing. You may have been exhausted from the Christmas mayhem. I get it. It's a tough time of year.

Here's your second chance to get over $110.00 of my digital files that you see above at no cost.

CLICK or TAP HERE to get your gifts. But don't shrug it off this time.

When you click that link, you're going to discover a second gift for you. A gift worth well over $1,000.00. That's not a typo.

Ed reached out to me last Tuesday asking me if was a trick. He was hesitant to CLICK the link saying:

"Your offer is TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. I'm afraid your stuff is filled with malware, spyware, and other bad jujumagumbo."

No, Ed, there's no bad stuff in my products. It's SAFE to download everything.

What's the second gift? You can now, for a very short time, get my ENTIRE digital library of over 112 products for as low as $29.99 if you're on a very tight FIXED INCOME. CLICK or TAP HERE to see how.

Trust me, this opportunity is going to disappear.

Modulating Boilers - True Savings

Two years ago, I installed an amazing Noritz modulating boiler in my daughter's new home. Understand this boiler not only heats her home, but it also is a tankless water heater. She and her family can take a hot shower for as long as there's water in the well and propane feeding the boiler.

What's more, the boiler is about the size of a piece of luggage you might check on an airplane. Much smaller than conventional boilers. Here it is:

noritz combi boiler

Modulating boilers are wonderful for many reasons. That said, my favorite one is:

The burner only produces enough flame to satisfy the DEMAND at that moment. In other words, it works like a typical burner on your stove. You can set that burner on your stove to HIGH or all the way down to simmer.

When a modulating boiler is running with a LOW flame to satisfy just one zone requiring heat, even thought it's a high-efficiency appliance, far less fuel is going up the chimney.

It's important to realize these boilers are not that expensive. I just priced the one I put in my daughter's home days ago. You can buy it now for $2,600 and change online at supplyhouse.com.

Go get one or two before inflation raises the price to $3,000.00. CLICK or TAP HERE to see more photos and to read my story about how EASY it is to install a modulating boiler the size of a piece of checked luggage.

Relaxing Maine Wildlife Video

Things were so busy during Christmas I believe I failed to share a wonderful video created by Paul Cyr who lives in Presque Isle, Maine. His brother is a subscriber to this newsletter.
amish children ice skating
CLICK or TAP HERE and get ready to smile. If this is a repeat mention, it's worth watching a second time.

Install a NEW Concrete Foundation

Is your house's foundation falling apart? You can have a new foundation installed as is being done in the photo below. Look at this:

house up in the air

CLICK or TAP HERE to see other stunning photographs of just how the house is supported and HOW IT'S ACCOMPLISHED.

That's quite enough for a Sunday in cold January. Well, not cold for my fellow parishioners Paul and Rita. They're on the beach in Aruba!

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com
Certified Organic Cleaner - www.StainSolver.com
Ham Radio Tales - www.W3ATB.com

Do It Right, Not Over!

P.S. You'd do well to get your FREE copy of my Roofing Ripoff book. Look:

roofing ripoff cover

CLICK or TAP HERE to get it NOW.

This FREE offer is GOING TO EXPIRE for goodness sake!!!


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