Fix Old Doorknob
Fix Old Doorknob Podcast:
Tim Carter helps Sharon and her husband fix their front doorknob in their 1890s house in Chicago. Mr. Sharon FIXED it while the podcast was happening. How cool was that? This was a featured article in the April 30, 2020 Newsletter.
The key to the repair is recognizing how the parts of the doorknob work. If you've never taken apart or installed a modern replica knob that requires a spindle, you'd not immediately realize how simple this repair really is. It was SO EXCITING to have the repair happen while I was on the call.
Here's what the doorknob looked like BEFORE Tim called Sharon:

See the blackish dark-silver spindle with the tiny notches in it? That's the CLUE as to how to fix the doorknob. You'll be STUNNED what those notches really are. LISTEN to the podcast above!

This is the other side of the doorknob. LISTEN to the podcast above for pure gold.
CLICK or TAP HERE to get FREE BIDS from local Handymen who can fix your doorknob.
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