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February 6, 2022 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

Newsletter Issue #1168

You have such great taste in friends! You're right up front with Jack, Elisabeth, Jimmy, Coleen, Iyrs, Joan, and about 120 other new subscribers in the past seven days. WOW! Thanks for your trust.

This should be an interesting issue for you.

How about you, though? Maybe your first issue was #329. It's possible I shared this video about using my favorite caulk gun back then. The video was recorded by Ron Fischer over twenty years ago so that's why it's not HD. Ron was a great man and videographer at Channel Nine News (ABC-TV affiliate) in Cincinnati, Ohio. Ron taught me how to create engaging videos and we became good friends working together. He was so patient with me! Thanks, Ron!

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Disappointing Survey Results

Last Sunday, I was excited about a new Ask the Builder Academy idea and asked you to take part in a survey to help me bring it to life.

Well, the air went out of that thought balloon faster than water flows through a chain-link fence!

First, less than 0.5% of those who read about my Academy idea took the short survey. That's the most important survey takeaway for me. It telegraphed to me there's virtually no interest in the video call academy.

Second, look at the results of the second-last question:

pie chart of academy fee answers
See the purple and blue pieces of the pie? They add up to 62% of the responses. You might be one of the purple people that expected the class to be free. Yeeouch! The blue folks only thought a class would be worth $10.

The bottom line is it appears there's very little interest in the academy idea and those that are interested don't place much value in the content.

This is precisely why I do the surveys before investing the time in a new product. If you took the survey, thanks for your time and input.

Another Interesting Survey Takeaway

It's as obvious as the nose on my face, I do a horrible job of sharing with you how to discover answers on my website.

The last question of the survey gave you a chance to tell me what classes you'd like to see in my new Academy.

It turns out you want to know about things I've already covered in great detail on my website!

Just below is a very small partial list of the ideas you may have entered that you wanted covered in an academy class. I've LINKED each one to a past column or VIDEO on my website about that exact topic. In other words, the content you might want in a new ATB Academy class already exists and you can get it right now.

It's important to realize that I just supply ONE LINK below to the topics. In almost ALL INSTANCES, I have multiple columns and/or videos about the topic:

Insulation Basics
Basement Waterproofing
Diverting Water on a Gravel Driveway
Deck Building
Supervise a Roofing Contractor
Property Groundwater Drainage Problems
Mortar Repair

I received over 150 Academy class ideas and well over 70% of them I've already covered.

When you have a problem at your home, please please please use my search engine, scroll down past the Google ads, and look at all the FREE advice I have for you.

GET FREE BIDS for any job from Local Contractors right now!

Arlen's Not-Happy Wife

Arlen reached out to me two days ago. His better half was none too happy about running out of hot water during a recent shower. It was the first time this happened in twelve years.

No, silly, she takes a shower every day not once every twelve years! But never before did the hot water run out.

Why do you think it happened? Being a master plumber since 1981, I'm pretty sure I know why she turned off the shower tap faster than you'd swat a mosquito on a summer evening. Let's see if you have mystic powers too!

Relocating a BathTub - What Possibly Could Go Wrong?

Peer at this photo with your peepers:

bathtub vent pipe on floor

What in the heck is going on? I suggest you read about what can go sideways when you relocate a bathtub. Click the photo to read the article.


Did you discover something that helped you in this issue? If so, maybe you might treat me to a mocha-chip ice cream cone. I like treats and don't get enough of them doled out to me each week. I know, I know, I'll take a piece of cheese with my whine.

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com
Hilton Hotels USE - www.StainSolver.com
Maritime SOS Story Here - www.W3ATB.com

Do It Right, Not Over!

P.S. What about Flushable Wipes? Which side of the fence are you on? Watch my flushable wipes video. Rest assured I saluted the army men before I sent them on their mission!


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