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February 23, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

Webinar Today

Welcome if you're a new subscriber! If you're an old friend, Howdy!

Three things for you this morning.

At 4 PM Eastern Time today, February 23, 2018, Sara Martin and I will be hosting a FREE BOYB&P* planning party. It's going to be fun.

Sara is a talented architect in Knoxville, TN. She and her husband Sean are like Kathy and I. They work together each day in their own business - Open Door Architecture - and still talk to each other at dinner.

There's lots to be said for that!

Sara and I are going to be LIVE on your computer, tablet, or phone today at 4 PM Eastern Time. It's FREE.

You're going to discover some cool stuff so you don't WASTE thousands of dollars on your next home improvement.

One of the things I'm going to talk about are interior hallways. You often overlook these invisible things in rooms and on decks and patios.

On Tuesday, Donna wrote back to me after I sent out the first webinar announcement saying,

"Haha - hallways inside rooms. They're called paths, Tim, and all of us hoarders have them. You crack me up!"

I have to tell you, I LOVE LOVE LOVE creating and sending my newsletter because you often respond like Donna did with something that makes me laugh out loud. Reading Donna's reply brought me an enormous amount of pleasure.

Heck, I've got a smile on my face as I type this!

I read Donna's email to Kathy while we were watching TV after dinner. She just rolled her eyes and shook her head because she thinks I'm nuts.

*BYOB&P bring your own beverage and popcorn

CLICK HERE to see the page where the webinar will happen.


You'll see a photo of my deck and a countdown clock on the page.

Below the deck photo is a cool chat screen. You can ask questions or make COMMENTS to us during the webinar by typing in the screen.

For Sara and me to see your comment or question you must TYPE it first and hit RETURN on your device.

You'll then be prompted to enter in a screen name. Choose something funny or unique. Here are some examples:

  • Captain Magic
  • Indestructo
  • Best Pecan Pie Baker EVER
  • Cat Lady
  • Mr. Motorcycle

In other words, have some fun with it!

Use that SAME LINK above at 4 PM to join the party.

New AsktheBuilder.com Server

Over the past week, I moved all my websites onto a new server. It's an extremely complex process and I couldn't have done it without the help of my very very good friend Steve Loyola.

Steve lives in southern California and he and I did a bunch of projects on his house the first week of November 2017.

CLICK HERE to watch my favorite video from that four days of fun!

"What's in the new server for me, Tim? How does it help ME?"

The server helps you because it's BLAZING FAST. You'll get pages FASTER using a smartphone, tablet or computer.

Speed is king moving forward.

AsktheBuilder.com Podcast

I'm one step closer to the first AsktheBuilder.com podcast. You should be able to listen to the first one on or before March 5, 2018.

askthebuilder podcast
I installed my new audio-technica USB microphone (photo above) yesterday. It's a broadcast-quality mic. The audio quality for the podcast is going to rock your world.

So will the format.

Don't forget to come to the party at 4 PM!!!!! Sara and I intend to WOW you!!!

Peace out.

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com
Captain Magic Microphone Man - MORE COFFEE!

Do It Right, Not Over!


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