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Child Fear Loud Noises

A mom from Miami, FL wrote to me a few days ago about her child, a daughter, that has a fear of loud noises.

Read what she sent as I'm sure it will surprise you as much as it did me.

"Hi Tim,

I read your Terms and Conditions and obviously, agree, otherwise I wouldn't be sending this.

However, it is of a relatively personal nature, so I'd appreciate it if you would respect that.

My daughter is almost 15 months old. Apparently, it's pretty common for kids around this age to develop a fear of something that they have known their entire lives up to that point.

For example, it could be a dog's bark, or the garbage truck, etc. For my little one, it's lawn mowers, leaf blowers, power edgers; anything that makes noise and has to do with landscaping.

Anyway, the point of my email is to thank you for your video on lawn mowers.

We watch it fairly regularly, and whether it is your attitude, smile, or just you, it has calmed her down quite a bit.

She now smiles when the video is on and doesn't seem to be quite as frightened.

I just wanted to say thank you for that. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it and you. Have a wonderful evening."

Author's Note: The lawn mower video is just below.

Dear Mom-Who-I've-Enrolled-in-the-AsktheBuilder.com-Anonymous-Video-Lover-Protection Program:

I have to tell you that when I taped that video, I never ever thought it would bring joy to a toddler.

My youngest daughter had a horrible fear of large fireworks and as such we stopped going to public displays because she'd cry so much.

I'm glad I've been able to bring some happiness into your family.

Another noisy scooter (The Doodle Bug) was shown in the April 19, 2015 ASktheBuilder Sunday Special Newsletter.


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