August 21, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter
New subscriber? Welcome to AsktheBuilderland. You can put away your passport now and relax.
Current AsktheBuilderland resident? Please share with the new arrivals, when you bump into them, that I'm not crazy.
Today's newsletter might be one of those where you scratch your head. I say this because it has some indirect tips that might really help you in a bunch of ways. HANG IN THERE with this issue, believe me.
Staircase Survey - Short & Sweet
I can use your input with respect to staircases and handrails. Would you be kind enough to answer just three questions for me?
You can click the photo below or CLICK HERE. What you see in the photo is an over-the-post handrail I installed in the last house I built for my family. Look closely at the painted wood balusters too. See the difference?
Marriage Counseling - Tim Carter Style
Did you know one of my sideline businesses is marriage counseling?
I saved Brett's marriage earlier this week!!!
It's all in episode 19 of my On-Demand Radio Show. Better known as Podcast 19.
CLICK HERE and READ Brett's email first - scroll down - THEN listen to the podcast. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!

Mike's Printer Ink Disaster
A few days ago, Mike reached out to me asking if my Stain Solver certified organic oxygen bleach would remove a printer ink stain from the carpet in his home.
I told him, "Maybe".
I also told him trying Stain Solver is the CHEAPEST alternative he has at this point. His other two alternatives should the stain not come out are:
- hire a real carpet pro that can cut out the stain and patch the carpet
- install all new carpeting
Here's what the stain looked like the day he reached out. Realize he had NOT YET tried my Stain Solver:
You may wonder what the ring around the stain is all about.
That's why I'm sharing this story. It's not about you buying Stain Solver, but if you want to buy some, that's great.
As soon as Mike saw what happened he reacted. He told me he went to his kitchen cabinet and grabbed a few cleaners and got to work.
While that may seem like a great idea, it's not what I would have done.
First and foremost, it's ALWAYS EASY to Monday-morning quarterback. But I've dealt with so many good-intentioned homeowners over the years, I've discovered that it's NOT A GOOD IDEA TO TRY YOUR HAND AT AMATEUR CHEMISTRY.
Mike decided at that moment to mix different chemicals - the ink has its own and who knows what's in the liquids Mike started to apply to the stain.
They can react and make things WORSE.
I would have reached for some paper towels or an old clean white rag and put it on the ink and poured WATER on the rag or paper towels to keep the ink WET.
Most liquids that are staining things have water in them. When the water evaporates it can be darn tough, or impossible, to remove the stain. Think about water-based paint. When wet, you can get rid of it. Once the paint dries, it's almost impossible to reverse the chemistry without using a harsh chemical.
The SECOND thing I would have done would be to go to the ink manufacturer's website to see if, by chance, they had any tips on stain removal.
You may want to do this now BEFORE you get into a damage-control situation. If you have liquids around the house that could stain carpet, upholstered furniture, clothes, etc. go to the manufacturer's website NOW and see if they have advice on removing stains caused by their product.
Or, just buy a 4.5-pound container of Stain Solver to have on hand for emergencies.
My Friend David
I want to tell you a story and how it relates to my good friend David Lawrence. He's the only celebrity I know and am friends with. You can't believe how nice a guy he is. He'd give you the shirt off his back.
My newsletter is all about home improvement, but this story is all about how you can tap into your hidden talents to improve and achieve things you never thought possible.
You may recognize David. He's a super talented Hollywood actor that's been in all sorts of shows. Perhaps he's best known for the three seasons he was in the hit series HEROES.
Watch a few of his best takes. CLICK HERE to watch a 90-second compilation.
Here's the full scene from HEROES. I'm pretty certain this is his first appearance in HEROES. CLICK HERE to watch David in the moment. He's darn good.
This short story is about how David and I got where we are and how you can do the same thing.
When I do meet-ups in different cities when I travel to hang out with subscribers like you, I'm often asked, "Tim, how in the world did Ask the Builder get to where it is today?"
It's easy. I reached inside myself and followed a voice that was screaming at me to change careers and do something different.
A few years before I started Ask the Builder, I had the worst experience of my life as a builder. I ended up working for the most loathsome Customer from Hell. She almost sent me over the edge.
I knew that the only way to ensure I'd never go through it again was to NEVER step inside a paying customer's home.
Yes, some of these hellish customers are wolves in sheep's clothing and they don't reveal their true inner self until you're into the job.
Once presented with the Ask the Builder opportunity, I made the most important decision of my life, aside from marrying Kathy.
I took FAILURE off the table.
I reached down deep within myself and decided that I would do everything possible to make Ask the Builder a success so I'd NEVER EVER have to face a customer from Hell again.
It worked for me and it can work for YOU!
Is there something you want to do but you need something or someone to flip the switch inside of you?
David might be the person. In just ten days, he's starting the most remarkable low-cost coaching experience I think I've ever seen.
It could be LIFE-CHANGING for you.
You need to understand I do NOT get one penny from David if you sign up for this coaching. You're not going to believe how low-cost it is.
It's all online, you can participate LIVE or watch his recordings later on your own schedule. It's going to be POWERFUL.
Do yourself a favor. Go watch this short video of David in his own studio. LISTEN to his story and see what you and David have in common. I'll bet you have more than you might realize.
Let me know what you think AFTER you watch David.
That's enough for a Tuesday. Seriously, click that link above and watch David in his studio. Watch the entire video. You'll not regret it.
If you sign up for David's coaching, please let me know. I'll be keenly interested in how you like it.
Tim Carter
Founder -
Ink-Removal Man -
Happiness Waves -
Do It Right, Not Over!