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April 18, 2021 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

You might be my newest subscriber. Welcome! First impressions are often lasting and I’m going to do my best to make sure your first newsletter from me leaves a good one.

You, on the other hand, may have been getting my tips and missives for such a long time that you clearly remember the video I did about how to clean a deck.This chore could be on your to-do list as you read this.

I know what you’re thinking, yes, I still have my firefighter turnout pants and helmet! CLICK or TAP HERE to see them.

Different Decking

Speaking of wood decks, David’s a subscriber who lives in Aveyron, France. He sent me a fascinating article about upside down decking in England.

cupped wood illustration

A homeowner noticed that the carpenter made an error when installing the wood decking on her job. I’ve got a past column describing wood decking installation best practices and thought at first that’s what the story was about.

But no! It turns out in England, and possibly other countries, they have a different type of wood decking. Small grooves are milled into the underside of the decking to promote drainage and prevent rot.

I’ve never seen that type of decking here in the USA, but it may exist on a regional basis.

Your takeaway should be that the way you do things may not always be the best way! It's possible your beliefs about products and building methods are based on half-truths which are whole lies.

This is a great example of how travel can expand your knowledge base. Other people in other places might build things far better than we do.

Take advantage of the opportunity to see other parts of our country and the world if you can. You won’t be sorry.

FREE BIDS - Local Contractors

Man Shoveling

CLICK or TAP HERE to get FREE BIDS for any job inside or outside your home. You’ll almost always get calls within an hour. That's fast!

Waterproof Electric Arc Lighter

Look at this:
electric lighter open

I like to collect smallish survival tools, and I'm attracted to interesting and good-looking fire starters. Perhaps this is connected to the pyrotechnical experiments I used to conduct in the fire barrel in my backyard when I was a small lad!

I found a new lighter that fits both of the above criteria! This is a lighter that requires no liquid fuel! It’s a miniature electric arc welder!

You start things on fire using electricity. CLICK or TAP HERE and wait until you see the other photos!

This lighter is very affordable and it comes with OTHER STUFF!

I GUARANTEE you’ll be ordering one or two. They come in some very neat colors too.

There’s a cool VIDEO HERE showing how it works!

STOP Paying for Off-Site Storage!

Build a Custom Shed!

Do you have a storage locker away from your home? What are you spending PER YEAR for this? Too much, I bet. Do you find it’s a hassle to drive to/from your storage facility? What’s more, think of all the time you’re wasting.

Why not BUILD YOUR OWN CUSTOM SHED and store your stuff on your own lot where it’s there when you need it and just SECONDS away?
wood shed

I decided to put the most detailed shed plans in the world ON SALE for you. These plans were drawn by an architect and are MORE DETAILED than most house plans!!!

You’ll save 50% if you order today!!!! You’ll pay only $14.95!!!

There are 17 total pages in the plans!!!! That’s less than a buck per page!

You can MODIFY the plans to create your own size, your own shape, and your own roof pitch.

The sale ends in ONE WEEK. If you snooze you lose.

I promise you'll never see a better set of shed plans.

CLICK or TAP HERE and you can download the actual floor plan page for FREE.

Delicious New Hampshire Toffee

I’m a sucker for SKOR and Heath bars, and I know others who squirrel them away in a secret spot.

Several nights, ago my wife and I had dinner with a couple. It turns out the other wife, Pat, has her own small online business selling toffee she makes. She gave me a bag of this taste treat and OMG is it delicious.

Pat makes two different types, one with nuts, one without. She also makes a mouthwatering toffee popcorn.

new hampshire toffee candy

CLICK or TAP HERE to order some. Be sure to tell Pat that you heard about it from Ask the Builder.


A few days ago, I was invited to an online media event where fancy shower drains are the center of attention. It happens next week. I’ll be sure to share with you anything that WOWS me.

That’s enough for a Sunday, right?

I have toffee to eat.

Don't look for treasure in the wrong place. Only life is priceless ... and making each day count.

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com
No New Pods - www.StainSolver.com
Opechee State Forest Boy - www.W3ATB.com

Do It Right, Not Over!

P.S. How hot do you think regular wood decking gets in direct sunlight? Imagine it's days from the summer solstice when the infrared rays are the most intense, it's close to solar noon, and there's not a cloud in the sky. This is not a trick question.

temperature of oak plank infrared

Seriously, do you think you can guess within ten degrees? CLICK or TAP HERE to see if you were right.


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