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April 1, 2022 AsktheBuilder Flash Announcement

YouTube LIVE Video Streaming

I've been doing LIVE video streaming on my YouTube channel for over four months now. It's really started to gain traction.

A regular viewer said two days ago, "Tim, you should really start to mix it up. For starters, try doing a LIVE stream on a Saturday morning to see if you can catch more Europeans. You should also think about sharing what's going on behind the magic curtain at Ask the Builder. For example, think about sharing what the future holds for AsktheBuilder.com followers."

DUH!!!! (V8 forehead-slap moment)

What great advice!

Thus, tomorrow morning, April 2, 2022 at 8:15 AM Eastern Time, I'm going to do a live stream. Go here to watch the LIVE STREAM.

The topic is going to be:

The Future of AsktheBuilder.com

If you were one who responded to the survey on Tuesday about Why Should my Deck Stain Video Be Free, you might not realize it but your hand was on the tiller the past 24 hours!

Hopefully you'll tune in tomorrow. Oh, the LIVE Stream is FREE to watch!

I GUARANTEE you'll be STUNNED at what you'll discover during the LIVE stream. I've got a very big surprise for you!

If you can't tune in, the LIVE stream will become a curated video on my YouTube channel.

Sunday's regular newsletter, delivered to you in just two days, will be devoted to the same topic.

It's a fun time to be alive, I can tell you that!

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

Do It Right, Not Over!

P.S. I don't know about you, but I love, love, love surprise prizes!


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