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Built In Refrigerator Video

Do you have to replace your refrigerator because it broke down? Or due to a kitchen remodeling project? There are several great features to look for in a new model. Size is a major consideration if you have that eating machine, know as a teenage son.

Some of the new refrigerators have multi-channel circulation system. This removes odors and excess humidity. There is a convertible meat saver - produce drawer with its own temperature control. It can be set for either produce or fresh meat storage. There are also produce drawers with adjustable controls to keep that produce nice and crisp.

Adjustable tempered-glass shelves allow you to arrange them to fit your food items. Glass shelves keep spills from dripping down on the shelf below. Certain refrigerator models have two sealed diary compartments provide lots of storage area for your butter and other diary items.

The main freezer compartment pulls out for complete access to the frozen food. The upper freezer shelf slides independently from the main freezer drawer. This lets you slide it back out of the way to get to those items in the bottom drawer. The automatic ice cube maker tray pulls out so you can get those ice cubes.

There are units that feature audible alarms if the refrigerator doors are left open for more than three minutes. This will save your food and save energy.

Check the size of the replacement refrigerator to be sure it will fit in your kitchen opening. The right one will fit right into your plans.


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