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Wooden and Electronic Levels – Manufacturers

The following companies make either wooden, aluminum, and/or electronic levels. As for the most accurate wooden carpenter's level, my research indicated that only one company in America hand marks the vials so that the edges of the bubble touch the lines exactly. This company is Macklanburg-Duncan. The brand name of their wooden level is American. The glass vials in these levels are protected by glass lenses. I have owned these levels for years. Heck, I didn't even know it when I bought them, that they were so accurate! Remember, when you look at a level, check to see if there is any space (liquid) between the markings on the vial and the bubble. The more space, the greater degree of inaccuracy.

Electronic levels are also becoming popular. Macklanburg Duncan also has a level called the SmartTool. It tells you pitch, degrees, etc. In addition, it has a handy bubble level for those people who are driven crazy by trying to get the object perfectly level or plumb! I suggest you call all of the manufacturers and get information. See which level works best for you.

  • Alltrade
  • Bon Tool Company
  • David White
  • Empire Level Co.
  • Johnson Level & Tool
  • Klein Tools
  • Macklanburg Duncan
  • Marshalltown Co.
  • Stabila
  • Stanley Tools
  • LS Starrett
  • Zircon

Certain companies, like LS Starrett, make a variety of levels with different degrees of accuracy. That is why I suggest you research all the companies to see what they have. Also, some companies offer unique levels such as the split laser carpenter level by the David White Company. If you just invest 20 minutes checking out these companies online, you will not be disappointed with the information you will receive!

Column B126


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