Q&A / 

Water Runs Into Garage From Uphill

Quick Column Summary:

  • Slope of yard sends water into garage
  • Regrading may be necessary
  • Install a French Drain
  • Link to video

Lisa, who lives in hilly Columbia Heights, Minnesota, - perhaps that's why her town has *Heights* in it, has lots of storm water running into her garage. Let her tell you about it:

"We have a sloping backyard, which causes storm water run off to come down and turn the corner into our garage, it is causing damage to the boards and sheetrock.  We are trying to figure out the best solution."

After thinking for about three seconds, here's my reply to Lisa:

Lisa, without seeing a photograph of your home and the situation, I'd say that someone needs to rent an excavator machine from a local tool rental shop and do some regrading.

If the land in your backyard is higher than your garage and your garage door is in the front of the house, I'm going to assume the land continues to drop in elevation as it heads to the roadway your house sits on.

Is that a fair assumption? I doubt your house is in a narrow valley, but then again I've seen houses built in very odd places.

All you have to do is create a ditch that redirects the water to a lower portion of your property.

You might also want to CAPTURE the water coming down the hill BEFORE it becomes a problem.

To do that, you just need my Linear French Drain Streaming Video!

Want a step-by-step procedure on installing a Linear French Drain? Tim's Linear French Drain Video Series Streaming Video shows you how to keep your basement and crawl spaces dry. CLICK HERE or on the image below to order Tim's Streaming Video.

Linear French Drain Streaming Video

Do your own DIY install of a Linear French Drain with Tim Carter's time-tested methods and materials! CLICK IMAGE TO ORDER NOW!


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