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Very Last Call Newsletter

Kathie Comment - Digital Library

The $29.99 price for FIXED-INCOME folks goes away FOREVER in ONE HOUR.

At 6:01 PM Eastern Time on January 16, 2022, the lowest you can purchase it for will be $49.99.

Kathie wrote to me:

"You are truly priceless, Tim---as is your advice. Thank you for this very generous offer. I am sure we will thank you many times over as we continue to tackle "issues" in the 44-year-old home that we built ourselves."

CLICK or TAP HERE to order it now.


Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

P.S. I should get Kathie and my Kathy on the phone. For all the obvious reasons. (fingernail-buffing soft noise... :-> )


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