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Transfer Switch

Generator Transfer Switches

Let's think cars for just a minute. For a car to move it needs an engine and a transmission. The transmission transfers the power from the engine to the wheels. Your portable generator needs a transmission, too - a generator transfer switch. Without this device, you will struggle to get the electricity from the generator to the appliances and tools safely. In fact, some things such as your furnace motor are hard wired. How would you ever attach an extension cord to your furnace motor?

This is what transfer switches do. They enable you to safely transfer power from the generator to your electrical motors and equipment. The switches look like a sophisticated electric panel with circuit breakers. You can get them in a variety of sizes that handle both single pole (120 volt) and double pole (240 volt) circuits.

Transfer switches are a MUST! They take your house off line when the generator is in use. Without them, you could kill a utility company worker with high voltage! Remember, those transformers on poles work in both directions. You feed in 120 volts and it can make 7,200 volts or more down stream! Plus, the switches protect your new generator from voltage spikes when the power is restored. Be sure to ask about these when buying a generator. If the salesman at the store doesn't know anything about transfer switches, kindly thank him for his time and gently back out of the store. Call this company for some cool information:

  • Gentran

Column B178


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