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Toolboxes Video

A new light weight plastic toolbox has storage compartments on top of the lid for small items, such as screws, nails, wire nuts, hardware, drill bits and/or screw bits. Inside is a lift out tray and a large storage area below the tray.

There are other tool storage options. An example is a large piece of canvas which fits inside and over a crate. There are pockets inside for storing tools, plus the center crate area holds large tools, extension cords and supplies. Then more pockets outside the crate for organizing your smaller items. The best part of this storage crate is that it is on wheels and has a folding handle. You don't have to carry your tools around, just roll it to the worksite with this rolling tool box.

For smaller projects, consider a tool pouch. This is smaller and holds a few small tools and clips onto your belt. Great for electrical work and holding your needle nose pliers, screw drivers and electrical tape.

There are many choices of tool boxes out there depending on what your needs are. Shop around and find the one that will work for you.


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