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Titanic Movie Alternative Ending Scene

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Titanic Movie Alternative Ending Scene - Old Rose

You may not have seen this romantic movie, but the beginning part of this scene didn't make the final cut.

"You look for treasure in the wrong place, Mr. Lovett. Only life is priceless... and making each day count."

Pay attention to what Rose says starting at 2:31. If you grasp what she says and begin practicing it as she did by looking at the photos on her nightstand, you'll discover the true path to happiness in your life.

Do you understand the symbolism of what happened after the panning of the old photos is over and you see the last of the clip? Rose was the last living survivor of the Titanic sinking in this movie.

Linked from the November 5, 2016 and the December 23, 2016 AsktheBuilder Newsletters.

Another great short movie scene is from the Game of Thrones. The evil Cersei comes to the garden wondering why Lord Ned Stark might be "posing me riddles." Wait for it at the end! CLICK or TAP HERE.


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