The Offer
Recent Facts:
- Approximately $65 BILLION was spent on network television ads in the USA in 2006
- $15 BILLION was spent at the same time on Internet advertising
- Average consumer / homeowner spent nearly equal amounts of time each day watching television or gathering information on the Internet!
Advertising experts predict that tens of billions of dollars are starting to shift from the television market into the Internet. The companies spending that money want to buy video ads. That is what they have been doing for decades. They have little taste for text ads or static banner ads. The ad buyers want video-commercial products that convert to sales.
Video ads, especially ones within a video, work. They are effective and they are in demand.
Is your newspaper going to be ready to accept these ad buys or is some other website going to take your ad dollars away from you? If your website has a rich library of video content, you will be able to leverage this opportunity. AsktheBuilder Videos can solve that problem for you immediately.
AsktheBuilder Video Offering:
- Videos are high-resolution, NOT the grainy, low-resolution videos you see on YouTube
- Videos are FREE for the first 30 days after the License Agreement is signed
- You pay a modest daily-license fee for each video
- Your ad-sales force sells multiple ads per page
- You can have exclusivity in your city, if you are the first in your city to sign a License Agreement
- You can license 25, 50, 100 or as many videos as you choose
- You can ADD videos to your library as ad sales grow
- You can cancel the license agreement with a 90-day notice
- The license fee is negotiated based upon your circulation and website traffic
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To view a wide variety of AsktheBuilder Videos, click here.
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