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Tactica M250


Tactica M250 | Here's the Tactica M250 after it's taken out of the holster that can fit on your belt.

Tactica M250 - I Hate to Say It #FAIL

This could be my shortest tool review ever. I got the magazine out of the holster and BOOM - #FAILURE.

The slots the bits fit into were so tight, it was impossible for me to get the bits out of the magazine.

Not only could I not fit my finger into the small gap, but when I forced it in there the tips of the sharp bits hurt my finger so much I couldn't even begin to push them out.

I was only able to get the bits out of the magazine using my fingernail clippers. There was so much tension that when the bit finally came out, it shot across the room ten feet away!

The photos should tell the tale. Note the tiny gap between the top of the bits and the magazine. No way I could get my finger in there.

Tactica M250 Gap

Tactica M250 Fingertip

Tactica M250 Clippers

Tactica M250 Bit Slide

Tactica M250 Bit

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