Stop Woodpecker From Pecking House

Here's where the devil woodpecker was munching on my house. See the aluminum sheet behind the bottle? You should see the size of the hole he created two weeks ago! CLICK THE PHOTO NOW to have the magic hot sauce I used delivered to your door.
Stop Woodpecker
I had a "Stop Woodpecker" sign up on my roof fascia board, but it didn't do any good.
As a matter of fact, I installed aluminum sheet metal thinking he'd go away.
White Hot Woodpecker Victory!
I had success once I started thinking about what made my eyes water.
Was there a way to make the wood distasteful so the woodpecker would leave?
Hot sauce! Of course, why didn't I think of it before?
Related Insect Links
Stop Carpenter Bees With Magic Powder
Stop Woodpecker and Grab Some Water!
I think birds hate hot sauce. The most compelling evidence lies in my experiments.
A few days ago I tried standard Tabasco sauce. It contains aged red peppers and vinegar.
It worked for a day, but then the invader bird came back enlarging the hole looking for tasty insects.
Goya Hot Sauce Rules
This afternoon he was back. Peck peck peck. I was determined to win.
I ran downstairs and grabbed my small squirt gun and rummaged through the spice cabinet.

Want to stop a woodpecker? Use this weapon to deploy a film of white-hot hot sauce on the wood! CLICK THE GUNS NOW to have these delivered to your home!
Boom! There it was. Goya Hot Sauce.
I twisted open the cap and the fumes about killed me.

This is the ticket. Want to stop woodpeckers at your home? Spray this on your wood. CLICK THE SAUCE BOTTLES NOW TO HAVE THIS MAGIC NECTAR delivered to your home!
I made a 50/50 mixture (half hot sauce and half water) and went outdoors.
The miscreant bird saw me coming and flew off. I then soaked all the wood with the hot sauce solution.
It's been hours and he's not returned. In the past it only took him a few minutes to come back to continue his mission of destruction on my home.
Periodic Spraying
I intend to spray the wood every few days to keep the woodpecker away. It's my hope that he'll discover some other better food source or fly farther away.
Let me know in the comments below how Goya worked for you!
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