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September 8, 2010 Newsletter Boo-Boo

Dumb Mistake!

In yesterday's newsletter, I asked you to partake in a survey. You'd be stunned to discover the results that are continuing to stream in.

I would've NEVER guessed in a million years what the most popular topic is at this point. I'll publish all the results next issue, but that's not why I'm reaching out to you. If you want to see the topics in the survey, a link is just below.

It turns out I made several mistakes when asking you to take the short one-question survey, that's right - ONE question. And with today's economy the way it is, it was a BIG boo boo.

Here's what I forgot to tell you:

1. The survey has ONE question, and will take you about 20 seconds to complete.

2. I failed to tell you what you'd get if you took the survey.

3. I goofed up and forgot to tell you the thing I was giving away had an expiration date.

As Napoleon Dynamite would say, "Idiot!"

It's this simple: Take the survey, and you get a 10-percent-off promo code to use at my shopping cart. This means you can save money now on all checklists, bundles of checklists, a 15-minute phone consult with me, all my eBooks, DVDs, and of course Stain Solver!

The worst part is that my assistant Roger set the promo code to expire tomorrow night (September 10, 2010) at midnight Pacific Time. (Yes, I told him to do that, but that's not the point.) Let's just focus on the fact that it expires, and SOON.

Please go take the one-question survey now and take advantage of the promo code that's about to disappear.  Here's the link to the survey:  Tim's One Question Survey

Thanks! More AsktheBuilder.com news next week.

100 Swain Rd.
Meredith, NH 03253, USA


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