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September 28, 2014 AsktheBuilder Photos Wanted

I'm getting ready to blast out of town to the west coast to attend a wedding and I need your help.

I want to help you with the issues around your home, but to do it I need great photos of what's wrong.

I get lots of questions at the Ask Tim part of my website.

You may have sent in a question to me in the past, but most people have a tough time explaining with words what could be done with a great photo or two.

Remember the old saying, "A picture is worth one thousand words." It's true, believe me!

Realize I'm talking about a high resolution photo, not some dinky photo that's the size of a postage stamp.

Here's an example of a really good photo sent in by Paula. Paula's photo was high resolution and I shrunk in down to fit the page. Even with that, you can SEE the problem at her house.

So, do you have a problem that needs a solution?

I may be able to help, assuming I don't get flooded with photos!!!

CLICK HERE to send in your best photo.

If you need to send in more than one photo, just use the Ask Tim form twice. You can only upload one photo at a time with each submission.

Let me know in the FIRST upload that you'll be sending multiple photos.

P.S. On Tuesday (September 30, 2014), you're going to get more information about the fun game that's happening on October 7th. You could be the winner of $1,000, $400, $300, $200 or $100 in COLD CASH prizes.

OPEN Tuesday's newsletter!

Send me photos TODAY along with your question.



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