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September 11, 2015 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

Today is the grim 14th anniversary of the day radical Islamic terrorists attacked us here on our homeland.

This war with the radical religious fanatics and the USA goes back over 210 years ago in case you wondered.

It's nothing new.

Just listen to the first sentence in the US Marines Hymn:

"From the Halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli."

Dust off your history books and go read WHY the US Marines were dispatched to the Mediterranean Sea over 200 years ago. CLICK HERE to get up to speed.

If you lost a soul mate, family member or friend on September 11, 2001, in the attack, my heart goes out to you on this day.

Would you have had the courage and bravery to ascend the steps of the twin towers as all the first responders did? They were trained pros and knew the buildings could collapse.

The same is true for the first responders who raced to help injured at the Pentagon.

God bless America!

Weekend Warrior Video is Back

Back in the spring, I started a trend where each Friday I send you a great video for a project you can tackle over the weekend.

It's back!

This week I'm featuring a GREAT VIDEO produced by a close friend of mine, Dan Gray.

Dan is a car expert, and he reviews cars like I review tools and building products.

He did a great video showing how, in an hour, you can make your dull plastic headlights CLEAR again!

CLICK HERE to watch Dan's video. You'll be amazed at how easy it is to do the job. (NOTICE: As of February 2021, this link no longer seems to work.)

The ONLY thing I would have done differently in the video is I would have used a different tool.

Dan used a Bosch drill.

I'd have used the Milwaukee Cordless Buffer. It's an AMAZING tool.

CLICK HERE to see this amazing cordless buffer.

I tested this tool at a Milwaukee event and was blown away by how easy it was to use.

It's a great gift for you or that backyard mechanic you know!

That's enough for today.

Have a great weekend!

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

Buff it Right, Not Over!


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