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Remove Paint From Brick

White Medallion

You can see the sun-damaged paint pigment and resin stains on the brick below the medallion. Photo Credit: Chad Ewald

Chad Ewald, who lives in Stillwater, MN - a place mentioned in  Roger Stelljes' Deadly Stillwater book, has paint pigment stains on his brick. Great read by the way!

Here's what Chad sent me:

"How do I remove paint from brick?  The white medallion elements on my home appear to have bled white paint onto the brick and fiber cement siding over time.

Any ideas on how to get the paint off, especially the brick?"

Here's my answer to Chad:

It's easy! You just apply my Stain Solver with a garden hand-pump sprayer and saturate the brick for about 30 minutes never letting the solution dry.

Stain Solver is a Certified organic oxygen bleach my wife and I manufacture. It does a tremendous job of removing sun-damaged paint resin and pigment from brick, siding, etc.

There are hundreds of other uses of Stain Solver around your home too!


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