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Plywood and OSB Literature

Plywood and OSB Literature

Many of the sources from the Engineered Wood Association (http://www.apawood.org/) are available to the general public at no charge, because they want all of us to become aware of the correct way to use their products.

Unfortunately, product failures and disappointments happen because a product was not used the way it was supposed to be used. A previous owner may have made the mistake, not you. The net result is that you become disenchanted. If you take the time to get educated, then you get maximum benefit from the products.

Take plywood for example. For the most part, it all looks the same. Nothing could be further from the truth! You must use the right plywood for the right job or you can have all sorts of problems. Plywood made according to the Engineered Wood Association Guidelines carries a stamp or label that tells you how to use it. You just need to know how to interpret the coding.

I urge you to visit the web site of the Engineered Wood Association. Click on their Publications Store to get a list of all free publications.

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Column B304


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