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October 29, 2009 AsktheBuilder News And Tips

What’s in This Issue?

New Tool To Help You
Fantastic Bathroom

I do product reviews frequently. Please read my Disclosure Policy to understand the relationship between me and the companies that make the products or offer the services I review.


Friendly Question Reminder!

If you have a question for me, don't hit the Reply button just yet. Go immediately to my web site and type in the keywords about your problem into my Search engine. The search box is at the top of every page of my web site. You could have your answer in seconds if you do this! Please pay attention to all links you see at my web site. The exact products and services you often need are right in front of you, and you might be ignoring them. This is going to be a very short newsletter. Well, maybe not too short. I'm halfway into a three-week trip that's a combination of business and pleasure. If you've been a subscriber for the past six months, then you're probably aware that I worked my butt off this summer back in Cincinnati. Kathy and I got a short break visiting some dear friends in Michigan, but I needed another breather after crossing the finish line of all the projects I completed at our Cincinnati home that will soon be on the market.

I'm on the West Coast now in LA, but will be driving up the coast along Highway 1 beginning on Halloween. Russ, Steve and I will be headed to a conference with some of my good friends. It's a secret group of entrepreneurs I belong to.

Anyway, I've never done that awesome drive up the coast with the vistas of the Pacific Ocean. However, yesterday I got my first taste of what it's like to be right next to and above the majestic Pacific Ocean. I was invited to the condo of a great man that an hour before kicked my butt in golf.

Kathy, my wife, made it very clear to me on the phone after I was licking my wounds that I was to tell you about this golf game. Dick is 87 years old, had taken a serious fall in the past two weeks hurting his shoulder and still proceeded to trounce me and my buddy Steve. Oh well, I just have to keep practicing. While I practice golf, how about you watch the video I shot at Dick's condo looking out over the ocean?

New Tool to Help You!

Each week at the top of the newsletter is a suggestion for you to follow me on Twitter. About a month ago a new feature was enabled on my iPhone that allows me to immediately send out a photo and a message pertaining to that photo. Twitter only allows you to send out messages that are 140 characters, with spaces counting as characters. You can't say much in that amount of room, but you know the old saying: A picture is worth a thousand words. I urge you to open a free Twitter account and start to Follow me. It takes just minutes to do. I'll be sending you some great photos of problems I see each day and what I suggest to avoid them or repair them! Here's an example of a Twitter posting. Be sure to click that odd-looking URL in the post so you can see the photo I shot.


Fantastic Bathroom

I'm staying at a friend's house in Montrose, CA, a very nice community tucked up against the foothills of the San Gabriel mountains. This house was built nearly 100 years ago and is steeped in great workmanship. I'll be taping some videos here today, but wanted to tell you about one that I think you'll love. The room I'm staying in is  a private suite above a three-seasons room. Actually out here it's a four-seasons room as the weather is so mild in the winter. I've renamed the room to Tim's Lair.

This suite has an amazing vaulted ceiling and a micro bathroom that works. If I gave you the dimensions of the room, you'll not believe the fixtures could fit in the space, but they do. Yes, the code officials would be most unhappy, but so it goes. I'm able to share this with you just in case you're planning a bathroom remodel and need some space-saving ideas. Watch for that video in the next newsletter.

That's it for today. I'll be on the road for another 10 days or so, which means the newsletter next week will be a little light.

Till then, Do Things Right, not Over!



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