Q&A / 

October 12, 2008 AsktheBuilder News


This is a quick newsletter blast that has some big news, and I need your help again. I'm going to have some new-product news to share in about three or four days, so watch for that. There will be some cool video links in the next issue as well.

What's in This Issue

Scary Economic News
Stain Solver and the Economy


If you're not fretting about the economic news, then you're incredibly lucky. Today, I attended the annual meeting of my subdivision Association. The house I bought here in New Hampshire is part of a 60-lot development. The outgoing president of the Association, Matt, made a statement that his 401K plan was now a 125K plan because of the historic downturn in the stock market. That comment brought only polite laughter as everyone in the room was suffering.

Kathy and I have decided to substantially restrain our spending, and maybe you've decided to do the same. This preserves cash as none of us knows how long things will take to get back to normal. The trouble with this mindset is that it can actually make things worse. Consumer spending makes up a majority of our economy. If we all stop spending money, tens of thousands of companies will go out of business making the current mess seem like a walk in the park. It's really a conundrum.

My gut tells me that for our economy to get stronger again, we're going to have to go back in time and live like our parents. This means you and l should start to build a decent savings account and when borrowing money, do so conservatively.

Once again I need your help. I've decided to budget a significant amount of time to help you through this economic turmoil. You're probably stuck in your current home, and will not be able to sell it anytime soon. This means that you'll need to make improvements and you probably will not be hiring contractors to do it as cash is tight.

What quick step-by-step booklets, with photos and videos, can I produce to help you:

1. Do needed repairs
2. Save energy
3. Make simple improvements that will brighten your home

Think about the top three projects you would like to tackle, and I'll roll up my sleeves and start writing the quick guide booklets for you.

Here's my offer. The first 50 people who give me three great suggestions for the subject matter in these guides, I'll give you a secret promo code to get a 40% discount on anything you want from my store. I'll send you the promo code as soon as I determine who the 50 are. Remember, you MUST give me three titles or distinct topics.

If you're not one of the first 50, keep reading as I have something for you that should be of great interest.


If you're a seasoned subscriber to this newsletter, then you know that the last time I had a promotion about Stain Solver was when I moved into the new warehouse back in August. Since that time, there are nearly 10,000 new subscribers who receive this newsletter. If you're one of the new subscribers, I feel you need to experience the crazy Stain Solver sales I have from time to time. The last sale was so successful we completely sold out of all the material we had in stock. Kathy, my wife, was about to choke my guts out, she and Ellen had to work so hard to fill the orders. Ellen is in charge of the Stain Solver operation, and she was not too happy as well.

Kathy and I own Stain Solver - it's this crazy little cottage business we started 12 years ago to help us survive as I made the switch from full-time builder to full-time writer. Well, it's time for a crazy sale - really crazy.

First, Stain Solver is a great product for these harsh economic times. It's an oxygen-bleach cleaner that removes the toughest stains out of just about anything. Since times are tough and you can't buy those new clothes you might want or you need to clean the worn carpet in your house, Stain Solver can make those things look fantastic. There are literally hundreds of things around your house both inside and out, that you can restore by cleaning them with Stain Solver.

If you're embracing the Green Movement, then you have to love Stain Solver. When you mix the powder with water, all you get are billions of oxygen ions, more water and a little bit of natural soda ash! No toxic chemicals, no odors, no danger to plants, etc. It's simply a wonderful product.

So here's the great news! When we moved into the new warehouse, we needed to conserve space. To do that, I've introduced these cool new containers that save more of our planet's natural resources. With these new containers, I'm using far less packaging materials. Wait until you see these cute little buckets Kathy and I are using for our  bigger sizes. And to save even more of the planet's natural resources, Kathy and I have decided to eliminate one of sizes we've had since we started the company.

We are phasing out our six-pound size forever. If you want to be one of the last people to order this size, the time is now, and I mean now. Once we sell out of this size, which I expect will happen rapidly with this announcement, then all you will be able to get is the 8-pound size. Furthermore, we're replacing the 12-pound size with a new 16-pound tub of Stain Solver. Confused yet? Here's the rundown:

After we sell out of the six-pound size, we will offer Stain Solver in 4, 8, 16 and 50-pound quantities. That's still a wide range of sizes, so you will be able to match the size you need to the job you have. We discovered that you wanted the new 16-pound size to do those larger jobs where 12 pounds simply wasn't enough.

You need to know that Kathy is the chief financial officer of the company. I'm just the creative guy. I had to do some negotiating with her to get permission to offer you this insane sale price.

Kathy said that for the next week only I can give you 25% off any size of Stain Solver. If you're a long time subscriber to this newsletter you know a sale like this is about as common as a priest at a high-stakes poker game.

I urge you to act now. Go to the Stain Solver website now and read the customer reviews, look at the before and after photos and see all of the stains it will clean. And don't forget about the guarantee ..... You'll see that once you get there.

Here's the promo code for this sale: kathy25


The sale ends in just seven days. (Sale ended on October 19, 2008.)  If you procrastinate, you'll regret it.

Watch for the next newsletter in just a few days.

Thanks as always for your support and kind words.

Index of past newsletters.


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