October 10, 2017 AsktheBuilder Newsletter
AsktheBuilder Newsletter
Tomorrow is going to be a big day. My oldest daughter Meghan and her husband Brent are coming from Silicon Valley, CA for a one-week visit.
Kathy and I will join them for a five-day trip to Bar Harbor, Maine. We're pretty stoked about the adventure as you might suspect!
Yesterday, I finished a Pelican case project. I'll be doing some low-powered outdoor ham radio from Acadia National Park and don't want my gear to get damaged if I slip and fall on the granite hillsides where I'll be hiking.
These durable cases can be ordered with or without inner protective foam. The foam can be cut with ease to the shapes you need so your gear is protected from shock if the case is dropped.
Everything I need to get on the air is in the photo sans my coax cable and a simple small 8 oz water bottle I use to get my yellow cord up and over a tree branch.
The cord is the halyard that allows me to pull up the ultra-thin black antenna wire you may see between the yellow cord and the blue Bioenno Power lithium-iron-phosphate battery.
Bar Harbor Meet Up?
If you live on Mt. Desert Island or in Bangor, Maine, do you want to do a little meet up? The best I can do is meet for an early breakfast perhaps next Monday, October 16th. If this is of interest to you, email me.
Driveway Erosion
Look at the photo below. What would you say if I told you that blacktop driveway is less than two weeks old?

This brand new blacktop driveway is two weeks old. Driveway erosion repair is needed because the contractor used the wrong gravel at the edge. (C) Copyright 2017 Tim Carter
Do you see what the issue is? It's a very steep driveway near my home.
The water from a recent heavy rainstorm has started to UNDERCUT the new blacktop!!!! What did the contractor do wrong????
CLICK HERE to discover how to prevent this from happening at your home or in your yard.
Win Tools & More!
I met Tom Kraeutler about twenty years ago at a Sears Editors Conference in Florida. Tom is a friendly competitor of mine. He devotes much of his work week to his nationally syndicated radio show The Money Pit.
He asked me if I'd consider promoting a weekend warrior sweepstakes contest he's doing with Home Depot. The answer was an immediate "Yes".
It's a win-win-win. Tom has helped promote my Stain Solver, my recent Roofing Ripoff book and I've been a guest on his show a few times. You may win by entering the sweepstakes.
CLICK HERE to enter and if you WIN SOMETHING, please let me know!
Dedicated Page to You!
Would you like a web page dedicated to you for the rest of time? Yes, your name forever on a page! Imagine the bragging rights!!!!!
Here's how simple it is. Go to my new Stain Solver website and use the Search box on any page.
Type in one or two keywords about a stain or an object you're trying to clean.
If a page doesn't exist with the answer you need, I'll create the page and dedicate it to you!
Here's an example. Keri Weikel wanted to know how to clean her Chefman slow cooker. Look at her dedication at the bottom of this page.
Good luck!
Amazon Shopping Reminder
If you're new to the newsletter and you like what you see, you can reciprocate.
Anytime you SHOP at Amazon.com, please consider using my affiliate link to get to Amazon.
Amazon pays me a tiny fraction of their profit if you use my link. It costs you no more to do this.
This revenue HELPS keep the newsletter going. It's that simple.
CLICK HERE NOW to start shopping. Thanks very much!
New REVISED Columns for You
Here are a few columns you should peruse.
DR String Trimmer - WOW Can It CUT!
Interior French Doors - Gorgeous and Classy
Bosch Bulldog Hammer Drill Review - One Tough Hombre!
Compound Miter Saw - The Wonder Tool of All Time
Tim's Gutter Guards - What's on MY HOME
It's that time of year. You may GROAN about cleaning gutters. It's dangerous work.
I know of several people who've been seriously injured while cleaning their gutters.
Years ago, I almost fell off my own roof three times on slippery algae-covered shingles while scooping handfuls of leaves and MUCK out of my gutters.
Those days are GONE forever!!!
CLICK HERE to see photos of my own gutter guards.
You'll discover the BEST ONES on the market.
That's enough for today.
BTW, if you have questions or comments ALWAYS respond to this email.
What do you want to see in an upcoming issue?
What topic needs to be covered?
If you could wave a magic wand, what would you like to see at AsktheBuilder.com?
Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com
Do It Right, Not Over!
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