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November 29, 2021 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

Yesterday, I reached out asking for your help. I needed to know a great way, and the hardware required, to convert cassette tapes to MP3 files.

I'm always in awe of the collective wisdom that you, and all other subscribers, have tucked away in your tiny gray cells.

You may have been one of quite a few that had several solutions to the conundrum.

I now know how to do the conversion and you'll get all the advice given to me this coming Sunday. I'll be creating a page on my website using all the information that was sent to me. You'll get that link on Sunday.

More Help - Super Sleuth Needed

Read this carefully, please.

Do you enjoy looking for things online? If so, I need more of your help.

I spent over an hour this past weekend looking for something and came up empty handed.

Here's what I was looking for:

I'm looking for a photograph, or the actual product, of a hardwood floor inlay design showing a three-dimensional (3D) optical illusion of a circular staircase.

The illusion is SO GOOD that when you're in the room standing on the hardwood floor looking down at this hardwood inlay, you THINK that you can actually step on the fake staircase treads and GO DOWN to the level below.

I saw this photograph in a hardwood inlay catalog 20+ years ago. I no longer have the catalog.

If you find the photo or the actual product, I'll be forever grateful. Please send me the URL to the page/pages.

Remember, it's a hardwood floor inlay. It's made from different species of hardwood.

It's NOT sidewalk art. It's not painted on a wall. It's not a sand sculpture. It's not a real circular staircase made from hardwood. Don't waste your time looking for all these things, silly!

I'm just looking for this hardwood inlay product if it still exists.


Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

P.S. I'm going to be doing a LIVE stream video today - November 29th - at 4 PM Eastern time. CLICK or TAP HERE to watch it. The opening topic is about the photo below.

You can ASK ANY QUESTION you want about your house during the LIVE STREAM. You don't have to ask about paint for goodness sake.
ECOS Paints


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