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November 23, 2014 AsktheBuilder News Alert

New subscriber in the past few days? This is NOT a normal newsletter. I send out reminders when special offers are about to expire. Today is one of those days.

You have just HOURS to play the Duluth Trading game. You could be one of THREE winners that gets FREE CLOTHES. Game ends midnight EST, November 24, 2014.

It takes about three minutes to play. CLICK HERE.

Amazon.com FAVOR

We're now days away from the dreaded Black Friday. Are you going to shop at Amazon.com for many gifts?

Are you aware that you can help yourself big time by shopping at Amazon.com using a link I provide?

Yes, you shopping at Amazon.com using my link allows me to continue to bring you news, tips, videos, etc. each week.

Doing this does NOT INCREASE your price of the item bought. Amazon.com simply shares a tiny piece of their profit with the website that brought the customer to them.

So please consider using THIS LINK to get to Amazon.com. Once there, you can just use the SEARCH BAR at the top of the page to begin shopping.

Remember, shopping at Amazon.com using my link helps You!

Thank You!

Tim Carter

P.S. I have a very interesting message for you on Tuesday. It's all about this STRESSFUL time of year and *thanks*.


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