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November 16, 2016 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

Kathy and I wish to thank you for your comforting responses last week with respect to the passing of her father. He's up in Heaven now with Kathy's mom.

My guess is he's playing solitaire, or he's busy in his garden. He could also be changing the brakes on St. Peter's Cloud Surfer Mobile or whatever he drives around after getting off work at the Pearly Gates.

Remember as you continue the journey each day to look for treasure in the right place.

"Only life is priceless, and making each day count."

Roofing Ripoff Book Update

A year ago, I decided to write an expose' book about why my asphalt shingle roof fell apart LONG BEFORE it should have.

When I bought my house in 2008, the roof was just eight years old and was in perfect shape - or so I thought.

Within a few years, granules were falling off faster than people abandoning a sinking ship.

Soon the shingles started to curl and delaminate. Look at this photo I took of my shingles eighteen months ago just before removing them:

Roof curling shingles


You may be like Greg Grigsby who lives about forty miles from me. I visited his roof last fall to survey his deteriorating shingles.

Greg emailed me last night wondering about the status of the book. You may have emailed me over the past few months too.

The good news is the book should be ready for you sometime in February, 2017.

Here's the primary reason the book has been delayed.

While writing it I made a discovery about how to arrest and SLOW DOWN the deterioration of asphalt shingles!

This is HUGE because the evidence I collected points to the fact that many of the shingle manufacturers appear to be making a product that's designed to fail much faster than it should.

Why are they doing that?

I'm going to let the book help you come to your own conclusion. It's deeply disturbing to me is all I'll tell you.

When I present the facts of how manufacturers know how to make excellent roofing products that last decades and decades, I'm afraid you'll be none too happy.

Here's a teaser photo below that you'll see in the book.

What would you say if I told you that this material was made just like shingles that are FALLING APART on your roof?

But what you see below is in perfect condition and it's been exposed to the weather since the 1930's.

That's not a typo.

This material has been exposed to New Hampshire weather since before WW II and looks BRAND NEW.

Does that have your attention? It should.

What does this have to do with why I'm delaying the publication of the book?

I have to have the product you need up on your roof ready to sell and ship BEFORE the book is published. I hope to have that in place in the next ninety days.

I Need Your Opinion

In the meantime, I'd like you to help take some ownership of my book project.

I'd like you to help me decide what's the best subtitle and back-cover content for the book.

Would you do that for me?

Many books have subtitles. It's text that helps further explain what's inside the book.

The back-cover content expands upon the subtitle. It tells you in a paragraph, or two, what the book's about and what might have been the motivation of the author to write the book.

Great subtitles and back-cover content captivate your attention. They draw you into the book like the tractor beam of the fabled Death Star in the Star Wars movie series.

CLICK HERE and follow the instructions to help me decide what's going to be on the front and back cover of the book!

THANKS for doing this.

Christmas Shopping and AsktheBuilder.com

I try to help you all year long with tips and advice about how you can save money and time.

You can return the favor by using my affiliate link at Amazon.com when you do all your shopping. With Christmas coming, you can really help me by using my link each time you go to Amazon.

CLICK HERE to get started.

Each issue of this newsletter contains my Amazon affiliate link. It's in the right column just under the photo of my daughter Meghan. See it above?

THANKS for using the link. The revenue I get from this helps me continue to produce this newsletter.

Tyrone Roberson and Bob Sumerel Tire

CLICK HERE and read about Super Hero Tyrone Roberson! He saved Kathy and me on Saturday!

Amazing YardMax Log Splitter!!!!

I had the opportunity to test and review a powerful 35-ton full-beam log splitter. It's made by Yardmax.

This splitter did an amazing job.

CLICK HERE to see all of the Yardmax log splitters.

I wrote a review and taped a video about the splitter.

CLICK HERE to watch the video and read the review.

Yardmax makes a bunch of very unique products.

One of them I'm DROOLING OVER. CLICK HERE and guess which one it is.

I'll give you a clue. It's something that you've probably NEVER SEEN BEFORE.

CLICK HERE and then click the link that shows you all their products.

That's enough for today.

PLEASE go back up and click the link to help me decide the subtitle and back-cover content for my Roofing Ripoff book.


Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

Do It Right, Not Over!


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