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November 15, 2009 AsktheBuilder News And Tips

What’s in This Issue?

Self-Healing Concrete
Great Winter Work Gloves
Job Burn Out
Ceramic Tile Adhesive
For-Fun Videos


Friendly Question Reminder!

If you have a question for me, don't hit the Reply button just yet. Go immediately to my web site and type in the keywords about your problem into my Search engine. The search box is at the top of every page of my web site. You could have your answer in seconds if you do this! Please pay attention to all links you see at my web site. The exact products and services you often need are right in front of you, and you might be ignoring them.   

Self-Healing Concrete

I read a fascinating article in the November 2, 2009 issue of Forbes magazine.

It talked about a revolutionary concrete that's being tested now that can heal cracks in it. Concrete has always suffered from cracks caused by many reasons. I've got many articles in my Concrete category that speak to this.

Years ago, I discussed old traditional lime mortar that also has the self-healing quality. If you have a home with old brick, or are building a new home with brick or block, you should absolutely read my column and use a mortar that has a very high lime content. You can actually add your own lime to the regular mortar that comes in a bag.

The Forbes article described what happens in this concrete and it's strikingly similar to the chemical reaction that happens with mortars that are rich with hydrated-lime. The bottom line is that in our lifetime you might be able to buy this new concrete. When it is available at the residential level, I hope to be one of the first to report about it.

Great Winter Work Gloves

When I was working out in the field for all those years banging nails, even the wrong ones on my fingertips, I would work outdoors all day in cold weather. Many a day it was below 20 F. I can tell you that it's very important to keep your hands and feet warm. Your body uses them as temperature sensors as they are the farthest things from the core of your body. When your fingers and toes get cold, they send a subliminal message to your brain that you better get warm. If you ignore this signal, you really start to concentrate on how cold your hands and feet are.

Eliminate this problem when working outdoors with some smart-looking gloves I just tested made by Mechanix. The first pair I tested has a fleece outer covering that really keeps my hands toasty as I walk 3.5 miles each day.

If the weather calls for rain, I intend to use their newest glove, Winter Armor. It's so new, it doesn't even show up on their website. Both of these gloves will come in handy when I'm using my snowblower this winter and doing other chores outdoors on those frosty mornings. You should take a look at these gloves. I believe you'll be impressed.

Job Burn Out? Want to Have an Online Business?

Have you thought about building your own website, but have no clue how to navigate the minefield? My good friend Jodie Gastel has written a great step-by-step coaching guide that will show you what you need to know to get online. Jodie used to belong to a mastermind group that I still participate in. We stay in touch as Jodie still loves the Internet, and most of all loves to share what she's discovered on her journey.

I love the graphics in the instant download ebook. Jodie takes you through the process of purchasing a domain name, registering it, and making it work. Then it's off to create the actual website. I worked a deal with Jodie to even make this possible. She really didn't want to offer it up as it was an exclusive manual for her own students. But I knew I didn't have the time to write a similar in-depth guide, so I begged her to make it available to you.

You must act now or the offer will disappear in SEVEN DAYS. Jodie does pay me a commission on each sale, but I'm proud to exclaim that as I feel the book is worth every penny. See for yourself. Just like with my products it comes with a full money-back pledge. You just have to ask Jodie for the refund within 30 days. That's totally fair. Wait until you see all the special FREE things you get when you order the instant download eBook. Wow! I have to tell Jodie she's crazy to have given all that away. I think you'll agree.

Make sure you tell her that when you have her on the phone during your one-hour free coaching consultation! Yes, you get to talk to Jodie in case you have questions. Can you believe that? When's the last time you could call a book author, much less talk to them for an hour!

Ceramic Tile Adhesive

If you've ever installed ceramic wall tile, you know that troweling on the organic mastic or the cement-based thinset can be messy. Grace products just sent me a roll of Bondera. It's a peel-and-stick membrane. Imagine a giant roll of thick double-sided adhesive tape and that's what you get. It claims that you have less mess and that you can instantly grout the tile once you have it in place. I don't dispute those claims. The label says it only works with tiles up to 6x6 in size.

That's where I have a possible issue with this material. The reason they say not to go larger than 6x6 is because the Bondera conforms to the surface it's being applied to. If there are humps or low spots, the Bondera follows that profile. Tile is rigid, so it rocks back and forth on bumps, and voids exist where a tile passes over a low spot. When you use traditional organic mastic or thinset, you can get good adhesion with the tile as you press the tile to the wall. The pressure squeezes out extra mastic or thinset to make the bond. That can't happen with Bondera as the membrane stays the same thickness as you press the tile.

My advice is to make sure the wall surface you are tiling is in the same plane if you decide to use this product. Be sure it's squeaky clean as well. Always follow the directions on the box label.

For-Fun Videos

While I was out West two weeks ago, I was staying with a friend, Russ, who lives at the base of the San Gabriel Mountains. The massive Station Fire this past summer scorched the hillsides just miles from his home. He drove me right to the edge of the fire damage in a suburb next to his on a day where fierce winds were blowing the ash into the air. I taped a news parody video in La Canada Flintridge where the highway department was bracing for the mudslides that were guaranteed to happen. Watch this video and pay attention at the end where my buddy Russ made me lose my composure as he was laughing at my one statement about Mother Nature.

Several days ago, this local news video was shot at the exact same location I was standing when I taped mine:

Looks like I was right Russ. The barriers were a vain attempt. :->>>>> So there.



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