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November 11, 2016 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

This is going to be a fast newsletter.

I'm sitting in the giant atrium of the Embassy Suites Hotel in Blue Ash, Ohio. In two hours, I'll be at the church where the services will be held for my father-in-law.

We had to send him back to Heaven last week and now it's time for family and friends to gather to honor and remember him.

What a life he had! He was a child during the Great Depression and lived on a very rural farm in Kings Mills, Ohio.

If you live near Cincinnati, OH, then you might make the connection and understand why the giant amusement park along I-71 is called "Kings" Island. I'll bet you never thought of that!

He was a medical doctor and was an avid DIYr not only working on his cars, but he also fixed lots of things around his own home.

He told me very funny stories of how he and his brothers used electricity to amuse themselves.

He told me about going to sleep at night in the farmhouse with frost on his blankets.

He taught me important business negotiation principals, among them that there needs to be romance in the deal for both parties. His exact words.....

Doc also taught me many other things and he's DIRECTLY responsible for you being able to read this newsletter and absorb all the free content at my AsktheBuilder.com website.

When no bank would lend Kathy and I the money to purchase our first run-down home at age 23, he stepped forward and wrote the check. I have a very interesting story about this, but that's for another day.

We paid him back and the rest of the story is simply that the quaint 3-bedroom house at 2865 Minto Avenue in east Hyde Park in Cincinnati became the launching pad for my building career.

Thanks Doc!!! Talk to St. Peter today about putting new brakes on his St. Peter mobile!

Thanks to All Veterans!

At the same time, you and I need to THANK and HONOR each and every living Veteran who's service and SACRIFICE allows me to type these words and for you to be able to express yourself using your First Amendment rights.

The great opportunity and liberties you and I have here in the USA are only possible because Freedom is NOT FREE.

All veterans, who we honor this day, gave some of themselves so you can be free. Millions of veterans gave the ultimate sacrifice, their lives, but we honor those late in May on Memorial Day.

If you're a veteran, I thank you, as does my family, from the depths of our hearts for what you did so I can live in this magical land.

I only wish there was a way I could repay that debt of gratitude.

If you know a veteran, STOP what you're doing right now and call them, stop them in the store today, email them, etc. and THANK THEM for their service.


I taped a new video last week before leaving New Hampshire to come to Ohio.

It's about a new one-part glue that probably will remind you of the simple white glue you used as a child in kindergarten.

While this glue LOOKS LIKE simple white glue, it's STRONG like epoxy. This is a glue you need to buy now to have around the house for HUNDREDS of repairs.

It's easy clean up with water and it dries CLEAR! It's also WATERPROOF so it's great for outdoor repairs too! I think it should have been named MAGICAL WONDER GLUE!

CLICK HERE to view the video. I have a handy BUY NOW link on the same page for you.

New Columns For You

Here are a few links for new columns I've added to the AsktheBuilder.com website:

Electric Floor Heating

Ceramic Tile in a Shower

Poured Foundation or Block???????

Okay, that's enough for today. Next issue I'll have TWO new videos for you. If you're a tool nut, you're going to LOVE THESE TWO NEW VIDEOS.

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

Do It Right, Not Over!


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