Q&A / 

November 11, 2009 AsktheBuilder News And Tips

What’s in This Issue?

Western Trip
Veterans Day
CFL Update
Tool News
Help the Next Owner
Knick Knack Gift Idea
Unbelievable Stain Solver Story
Latest Columns and Videos


Friendly Question Reminder!

If you have a question for me, don't hit the Reply button just yet. Go immediately my web site and type in the keywords about your problem into my Search engine. The search box is at the top of every page of my web site. You could have your answer in seconds if you do this! Please pay attention to all links you see at my web site. The exact products and services you often need are right in front of you, and you might be ignoring them.

I started this newsletter last week while on the last leg of my three weeks of travel. My intention was to send it last week before I became engrossed in the secret Internet entrepreneur conference in San Francisco. That conference was the primary reason I headed West from New Hampshire. You know what they say about the best-laid plans.

My trip covered three states - New Mexico, Arizona and California. I was able to visit some dear friends, my cousin and hang out with many of my peers for nearly two weeks. One of the highlights was being on the sound stage of the taping of an upcoming scene in a major TV show that's on right now. I'm not allowed to share anything about it, but suffice it to say that it was quite an adventure to see how a major drama episode is shot. I was on a reality TV show, The Mansion, about five years ago. That was an eye-opening experience, but two weeks ago being on a real sound stage was much cooler.

I also got to finally drive up the California coast between LA and San Francisco. The weather was clear as a bell and the scenery was stunning. If you're a Twitter follower of mine, you got to see all the photos I took as I was on my journey. This is just one of the many benefits of using Twitter. Once again, I urge you to follow me on Twitter if you want to get a peek of what tips I'm sharing each day and where I might be. For example, while in town today I saw this enormous boat that's a modern copy of the classic wood boats used up here in the Northeast. I uploaded a photo of the beast to share.

When I got back home early Monday (1:10 a.m.), there was a mountain of boxes containing tools an products to test. The next few newsletters will be filled to the brim with reviews. Some of them look amazing.

Veterans Day

If you're a veteran who has sacrificed to serve our great nation, my family and I are forever grateful and applaud you on this day set aside to honor you. Based on the thousands of emails I've received over the past six months supporting The Fire Pit, I can tell you that there are many who want to thank you, but don't have an easy way to do it. You are responsible for the ongoing delivery of this newsletter and all the other freedoms I and all other Americans enjoy - and sadly - sometimes take for granted. If you're related to a veteran and can pass on my appreciation, please do so. I'll be indebted to you.

CFL Update

Two issues ago, I talked about compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. You may have been one who flooded me with helpful emails. It appears I'm not the only one who's suffering from early CFL burnout. The common message was that burnouts are happening from overheating, typically from bulbs placed upside down in recessed light fixtures.

My advice is to carefully read the label of any fixture you buy to see how it's to be installed. Furthermore, you may have been a subscriber who determined that the bulbs last longest when they're not turned on and off frequently. It's best to leave them on. However, that sort of defeats the cost-savings aspect of the bulb. Leaving the bulb on when you're not in a room wastes electricity.

Tool News

David, a subscriber in Florida, brought to my attention a news story where Stanley Tools just announced that they are merging with Black and Decker. This is the fourth time the companies have tried to do this. Looks like it was successful. What will this mean to you and I? It's too early to tell, but I'm hoping that we'll see a continued distinction in quality between the brands - should they decide to keep them separate.

I've been very happy over the years with Stanley Tools, while the Black and Decker tools have been a letdown. I understand this clearly as certain companies cater to different buyers. The worse thing, in my opinion, is for the Stanley brand and tradition of quality be diluted by Black and Decker.

CLICK HERE to read a follow-up story in my January 13, 2010 Newsletter.

Help the Next Owner

If you're building a new home or doing any type of remodeling project, you can really do the next homeowner an enormous favor. Ceramic tile, plumbing fixtures, laminate flooring, etc. tend to come in boxes that are clearly labeled as to the manufacturer, the product name, style, etc.   If you could take a razor knife and cut out that part of the box that shows all the product info and take a Sharpie marker making a note what room of the house it was used in, that would save tons of time for the next owner. These pieces of cardboard can be placed together near the electric panel or some other location where they'll not be thrown out. I could have used the box that the ceramic tile came in for the basement rooms her in my NH home. Luckily I stumbled across the exact tile I needed to match.

Knick Knack Gift Idea

Each week I'm contacted by public relations folks who inform me of new products. I tested one that might be of interest to you if you like unique decorative items in your home. You can have a favorite photo of a scene or people and have it transformed into a three-dimensional image that's backlit. I believe my Aunt Margaret had decorations like this at her home if my memory serves me right. Aunt Margaret was one of my favorite aunts. Anyway, if you're looking for a Christmas gift idea that is out of the ordinary, this may be for you. You need to react quickly as there is some lead time to get the product made.

Unbelievable Stain Solver Story

If you're a new subscriber, my guess is you don't know about Stain Solver. It's a fabric and color-safe oxygen bleach that cleans just about anything that's water washable.  I've been manufacturing it and selling it now for about 13 years.

Two months ago, a woman, Susan, purchased some from me. She used it to clean her bathroom floor tile grout and told me on the phone, "Tim, it was amazing how clean the grout is. It looks like new. I'm totally satisfied!"

But understand that wasn't the real reason she called. She called because she was upset that the product worked too well. How's that possible you ask?

It turns out Susan decided to try it on her wood deck. She was sloshing it around and got some in her shoes causing her socks to get saturated with the solution. Sue had to walk inside for something, so she took off her shoes and walked across her tiled kitchen floor. The wet footprints could be seen the next day, so she called me frantically exclaiming that my product ruined her tile floor.

I knew immediately what had happened. My Stain Solver stripped off layers of cleaners or wax that she or some other homeowner had applied to the tile. Unfortunately, Susan or the previous homeowner sealed in dirt and grime.

But Susan *thought* the tile was clean and that my Stain Solver ruined the tile glaze. It took about five phone calls, but I proved to her that my product simply made the tile look like the day it came out of the box. Not only was Susan embarrassed, but so was her sister. She got sucked into the fray as well. Her sister  emailed me photos of the footprints in the tile. She accused me of saying her sister was a slob. You can't win for trying! I never said Susan was a sluggard. I told Sue's sister that the floor had layers of trapped dirt that were sealed in by those store-bought cleaners that claim to clean your floors and make them shine. Yeah, right.....

Anyway, Susan is now a believer as she went back and soaked the kitchen floor removing all those layers of squirt cleaners that can trap in dirt. Maybe you have the same problem. Stain Solver can make your tile and the grout can look like new.

Right now I'm offering Free Shipping on all sizes of Stain Solver. You might want to take advantage of this great offer, as shipping prices can be very high because of insane diesel fuel costs.  I'd love to see your Before and After photos!

Latest Columns and Videos

Don't be fooled by the name on the label of Solid Stain. Read about my experience with this paint product.

Soapstone Countertops require a very special owner. Are you one?

Laying Tile is not that hard, especially extending an existing floor.

Mixing Grout for floor tile is not hard, but you can make a mission-critical mistake.



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