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May 7, 2015 AsktheBuilder Newsletter – Correction

Several hours ago, I sent out an issue of the newsletter.

ALERT: New video link below too

I'll bet you never thought today you'd go back in time to your grade school English class.

I think my favorite English teacher had to be Sr. Mary Emma.

She made us diagram sentences until the cows came home.

You do that enough, and boy do you discover quickly the difference between a noun and a verb.

Today I had a headline:

When Should you Scrape?

I've probably received about 100 emails like the following: (Editor has paraphrased.)

"Hey Tim,

It's time you send out your weekly DOOFUS Alert. You made a mistake.

It should be scrap not scrape."

Well, those of you who feel that way might not have turned that headline around like Sr. Mary Emma taught me.

Now, before we go any further, I agree that the word *scrap* can be a verb.

But my intention was the word scrape as in scrape the building from the face of the planet.

You know, like you'd scrape fluffy mashed potatoes and gravy from a plate and mix in some great stuffing.

The test, so you know for the future, would be to flip the headline:

You Should Scrape When?

Be sure the headline makes sense when you flip it.

In this case, both scrap and scrape would have worked because both can be verbs.

You should scrape is a complete sentence.

Simplify it even more for a test:

You scrape.

You is the noun and scrape is the verb.

You scrap would also work.

CONGRATS to you if your eagle eye picked up on that and you wrote to me.

I ALWAYS love getting responses.

If I make a mistake, I want to know about it so I can be a better writer.

Oh, I got the one video done!!!!

Go watch a short review video about a wonderful tool that will help you make labels for ANYTHING.

Brother PTouch Labeler

Carry on!

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

Do Verbs Right, Not Over or Nouns!


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