Q&A / 

May 28, 2014 AsktheBuilder Newsletter & Tips

While this past weekend was the unofficial start to summer, Mother Nature has decided to treat NH, and other parts of the Northeast to early spring weather. As I type this here on Wednesday, May 28, 2014, it's rainy and quite cool with the temperature trying to claw its way to 50 F.

If you're enjoying sun and warmth, send some this way!

I need your help this week answering a few simple questions about paint of all things. The fine folks at Behr Paints have asked me to discover what YOU want to know about paint. I think I have an idea, so please take the quick survey you'll see below.

You may be one of two that win five gallons of their top-of-the-line Marquee exterior paint for taking the survey.


Tip of the Week - How to Remove and Replace Pop Rivets

Do you have aluminum gutters and downspouts at your home? If not, would you like to discover how to connect quickly two pieces of metal without glue, solder or welding?

I thought so!

Watch this video to discover how to manage pop rivets.


Whitewash - Yes, Old-Fashioned Whitewash!

Are you looking for a unique and time-tested finish on your home?

Do you think Mark Twain was yanking your chain when he wrote about Tom Sawyer whitewashing a fence?

Not so.

Read about the magic of whitewash in a few of my past columns. You'll be blown away by how easy it is to make and work with. CLICK all three to get the scoop.

Wonders of Whitewash - Tim, Can It Really Be That Simple?

Tim's Secret Whitewash Recipe

AsktheBuilder Magic Whitewash Tips and Tricks


Tiles that Change Color

Marcia came to my website overnight. She had a very perplexing problem with the tile in her shower.

They change color unintentionally.

Not being able to discover the answer from pros in her area, she turned to me.

I knew EXACTLY what was going on.

Scan my past column about Changing Tile Grout Color and go to the COMMENTS under the column to see Marcia's problem. YOU MAY HAVE IT TOO!

Then read my reply to her comment.

Be SURE to leave a comment if you have had this same issue!


New Very SHORT Q and A's

Check out these very short quick tip columns I created over the holiday weekend.

Fix a Leaking Concrete Porch or Deck

How to Support a Fake or Faux Wood Beam

The Simple Secret to Create an Arched Opening


WIN Five Gallons of FREE Behr Paint

How would you like to win five gallons of Behr's top exterior paint AND help tens of thousands of other homeowners at the same time?

How is that possible?

All you have to do is take a quick survey I put together. Wait until you read the questions.

I'll let the survey run for a week and then will pick the two winners at RANDOM.



Stain Solver Facts

I discovered over the past few months that many people don't know about Stain Solver and me. If Kathy were here, she'd say, "It's not always about YOU!"

Now that didn't come out right.

What I was trying to say was the relationship between me and Stain Solver. Some seem to think I'm a paid spokesperson or I pimp their products you see it so often here in the newsletter.

Each week, there are many new subscribers on this list and you may be one that doesn't know the heritage of Stain Solver Oxygen Bleach.

Here are some Fast Facts about Stain Solver:

  • Kathy, my wife, and I OWN Stain Solver.
  • We started Stain Solver in 1996!
  • Stain Solver is one of but a few Certified organic multipurpose cleaners
  • Stain Solver is Made in the USA with USA ingredients!
  • Stain Solver is almost too good to be true

Just read what Joe S. from Long Island, NY told me a week ago:

"On a positive note, I've been meaning to write to you for some time about your Stain Solver. I bought a sample size during one of your sales not too long ago, and Wow! I can't begin to describe how blown away I've been at this little "miracle" product.

I'm a skeptic. After seeing many of the before and after photos during your last Treasure Hunt I bought the sampler to try on an old carpet pet stain. Shortly after we brought home a new puppy, she got into a restricted area with new carpeting and had a quite an accident.

We tried several good carpet products and came close to clean, but it was never the same. Now, Tim, that stain was nearly two years old. I figured this would be a true test. Stain Solver removed the stain -- completely -- in only one easy application. I was sold on it immediately!

In fact, I was so impressed with Stain Solver, I spent that entire weekend going around my home just looking for things just to try it on.  An old golf hat with sweat and mud stains: good as new. Grandmothers old curtains: good as new.  A metal coffee carafe with deep coffee stains: good as new. And a few other smaller jobs, all 100% successful. I would have gone on, but the small jar ran out.

(By the way, your online instructions and tips are great. It makes using Stain Solver so easy.)

I have rarely come across a product that does exactly what it claims, is as easy to use, and is so economical. Needless to say, I've also never been more satisfied. Your claims are 100%, so I guess if someone ever accuses you of "shilling" for this product, please keep doing it!

I'll be ordering your largest tub soon for sure."

Thanks Joe for sharing that!

Do you have a story like Joe's about you and Stain Solver?

Share it with me for goodness sake!

More Tips and Home Improvement Magic Next Week!


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