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May 24, 2011 AsktheBuilder Tips And Newsletter

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Replacing Bathtub Tile
Garage Design
SOG Knives
The Meghan Method

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Thank you so much for the advice on black fly repellent and itch relief. Avon and Procter and Gamble are going to love me as I'll have Skin so Soft slathered all over me and clothes made out of Bounce. NOTE TO P&G: Sell a spray bottle of the chemical you use in Bounce sheets. Duh!!

Last week I hosted a mini conference here in New Hampshire. Seven other website owners attended. Their sites are about selling books, baking, tech questions, business tips, etc. We got together to share ideas on how to make our websites better.

Within the first hour, all of us complained about how the results we see in the search engines are not that great lately. Have you noticed the same thing? I'm talking about any topic you search for, not necessarily home improvement.

For example, I've been doing some research for my own projects and I keep finding websites that have scraped some of my content showing up on page one of the search results. That's crazy.

If you're unhappy with the search results you see, I suggest you do something about it. I just discovered a new Search blog at Google where you can offer suggestions on how to make search better! Look in the right column where they ask for Feedback.

If you're tired of poor quality search results, I've got a suggestion. Create a list of sites that you trust, - I sure hope AsktheBuilder.com is one - and do your search there BEFORE you go to the major search engines.

Bookmark your favorite sites or add them in the Top Sites that some browsers show when you open a new tab.

Adopting this direct approach helps these sites. For example, AsktheBuilder.com needs your traffic so I can continue to give content away for free. Every site you trust needs your support.

If you don't find what you need at my site or the other trusted sites, then try your luck using a major search engine. That's what I've started to do.

There's a huge announcement at the end of the newsletter. Don't overlook it! 


Replacing Bathtub Tile

Earl from Los Angeles wrote to me:

"I would like to replace the tile on the surround of my bathtub. The bottom row of tiles though is lower than the floor tile. Is it possible to replace the surround tile without damaging or replacing the floor tile around it?"

Earl, it is possible, but it's not easy. You can use the new multi-tools or even possibly a RotoZip tool with the correct attachment to be able to make a PRECISE scoring cut right where the wall tile meets the floor.

This should allow you to remove the wall tile without damaging the floor tile. But get this, you can also install tile over tile! There are adhesives made for this purpose. You get these at specialty tile stores that just sell tile, marble or other stone. I doubt you'll find these special products at a big box store.

Good luck!


Garage Design

This past week my son has been a great help in cleaning and organizing our garage. We've been building shelves that go on the side walls. Look at this past column to see the exact shelves we're building.

If you're garage is like the one I have now - I didn't build the house I'm living in right now - perhaps you get frustrated with your garage design.

I find that a vast majority of garages are too narrow. The space between your car and the side wall is often only 3 or 4 feet once the car is parked inside. This is problematic when you go to open a car door. We're having to build our shelves narrower than I want because our garage here is too darn narrow. Arrrgggghhhh!!

If you're building a new house or a new detached garage, then you absolutely need to read this past column of mine that will help you avoid a host of garage design problems.


SOG Knives

SOGzilla Knife
I recently tested three SOG knives. My son Tristan helped in the test. We both were really impressed with them. They were smart looking, sharp, and they had very comfortable handles.

My favorite was the SOGzilla.

My son loved the AutoClip. He said I can have it when I pry it from his cold, dead hands. I think I'll just wait till he's in the shower.

We both liked the Flash II - Partially Serrated blade and have agreed to share it. One week he gets it, then I get it.

If you're starting your Father's Day shopping early, the links above are affiliate links. It means I get a very tiny commission if you buy the items after clicking.


The Meghan Method

The Meghan Method

I've been waiting for a long time to make this announcement. If you've been lucky enough to be blessed with children, you know the pride I'm feeling right now.

For nearly three years, I saw my oldest daughter Meghan work almost non-stop on this revolutionary book about the never-before-revealed EASY methods behind DIY interior decorating.

Once she was deep into the project and the hard deadline was approaching, she worked for months at a time taking no days off. Talk about determination. As the hard deadline approached, she and her business partner Brent put in nearly a week's worth of 24-hour non-stop days. They were zombies at the end.

It was so worth it. The coffee-table deluxe full-color hardbound book hit the shelves at all the major bookstores in the last two weeks. There's no other decorating book like this. It's a step-by-step method showing you how to get the home of your dreams, NOT the dreams of a pricey decorator you hired.

It's got 34 easy-to-use worksheets and over 600 color photo examples of exactly how you get from the fuzzy visions in your head to a finished room that your friends and relatives will drool over - not to mention how much you'll enjoy living in the space!

Sure, you can go to a Barnes and Noble or to Amazon.com and buy a copy, but you'll not get the deal I'm about to outline for you.

If you purchase the book from Meghan's website, the price is LOWER than what you can get at Amazon.com after you submit a review. But it gets WAY BETTER.

Buy the book now using this Meghan Method link, and you're going to get:

An Autographed Copy - yes, I saw her come back from the warehouse with writer's cramp where she signed boxes and boxes of books. Make the mistake of ordering from Amazon and you'll NOT get this autographed copy.

My Bundle of Major Interior Remodeling Checklists FREE of charge. If you're going to remodel, Meghan's book will be the icing on the cake as you decorate each room. If you were to buy these from me separately one at a time, you'd spend $51. Buy Meghan's book now, and you get all these for free.

But it gets better.

If, within TWO weeks after you receive the book, you go to Amazon.com and leave a review, Meghan's going to credit you back 50 percent of your purchase price. To get the refund, all you have to do is email Meghan at deals@meghancarter.com telling her to go look at your review at Amazon.com.

To get all of these things, you must act NOW. This offer is only open until this coming Sunday, May 29th at midnight Eastern Time.

I'll be sending you a reminder email on Sunday.



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