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March 28, 2021 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

WOOT! How nice it is to meet you! You might be my newest subscriber having signed up just an hour ago. I'm happy to meet you! Thanks for your trust.

But you might be a platinum-level subscriber. This means you’ve been with me so long you remember when I was gushing about being invited to fly out, then tail-hook catching the third wire on the deck of the USS George Washington CNV 73 only to be catapulted off the next day. My oh my that was an adventure!

My Favorite Step Ladder

I’ve come to really love a particular step ladder. It's my go-to ladder for any task inside my house.

step ladders and benches

It’s one of the two ladders in the above photo. Which one do you think it is and why? CLICK or TAP HERE and see if you chose wisely.

Last Week’s Survey

You may have participated in last week’s interesting survey. I was interested in your thoughts about getting help from an online expert. Many of the results are just below.

Just three days ago, I got yet another email from a NEW start-up company that’s trying to connect you with plumbers who can help you over the phone! They want me to record a video for them, but we’re miles apart in negotiations.

The point is, the people at this new company also know you desperately need HELP and they think they have a better mousetrap when it comes to helping you with your plumbing issues.

Remember, I’ve been a master plumber since age 29 so if you’re in a pinch, I’m happy to call you on the phone to solve your plumbing problem.

Your responses to last week’s survey were remarkable. Look.

The results in the first pie chart clearly show credibility wins the day. I changed my email reply message last Monday morning once I saw the results. There was some improvement in responses, but still not what I expected.

Remember, before the survey only 1 in 51 who filled out the HELP request invested in a phone consult.

After changing the messaging to match the results of the survey, three of the next 51 responses invested in a phone call. That’s an improvement, but not stellar.

My list of credentials is pretty impressive, so it means it's now just a value proposition. Visitors like you are still hesitating to request help. They obviously are wondering if they'll get their money's worth from the expert.

Let's try to solve the problem. I need your help.

I need you to complete a simple four-question survey where I'm trying to figure out how to arrive at the FAIR PRICE to compensate the expert BUT ALSO make you feel as if you're getting a fair deal.

Let’s see if maybe we can really solve the conundrum as to what is a fair price to solve problems of different complexity.

I feel at least 50% of the people responding to the email I send after they fill out this form should be screaming:

“Tim, TAKE MY MONEY. HELP ME!!!! I NEED YOUR HELP. I want to save hundreds or thousands of dollars and I don’t want to get screwed by a contractor!"

Remember, we KNOW they need help, we know they trust me as an expert, but something is holding them back from getting the help that can save them THOUSANDS of dollars.

Please, take just two minutes to answer the four easy questions for me. CLICK or TAP HERE to take the survey.

Free & Fast Bids - Local Contractors

CLICK or TAP HERE to get fast and free bids from local contractors for ANY PROJECT.

Contractors are BUSY. If you want to get things done, you need to ACT NOW, get your bids, and get in line. CLICK HERE NOW.

How Do Plumbing Vents Work?

What percentage of the pipes in this drawing handle wastewater?

plumbing pipes in a bare wall

CLICK or TAP HERE to see if you’re right. The answer might surprise you.

You’ll also discover HOW plumbing vents really work. By the way, I installed all the pipes in that photo.

That’s quite enough for a Sunday.

Thanks for participating in the second survey. I’m bound and determined to solve the conundrum of getting you the AFFORDABLE expert help you need.

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com
Super Clean - www.StainSolver.com
Comms Boss NEFR - www.W3ATB.com

Do It Right, Not Over!

P.S. You need to solder a copper water line in your home. What torch would I suggest you use? CLICK or TAP HERE to see if your instincts were spot on.


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