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March 26, 2016 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

It's been almost two weeks since I've reached out to you. A childhood friend of mine, who matured into a fantastic painter I used on many of my jobs, had to be sent back to Heaven early.

The travel to and from the funeral services ate up six days with me arriving back home this past Monday.

I tried to catch up the past four days, but I didn't make as much headway as I wanted.

There's much to share.

Happy Easter to you and your family! I'll be hunting delicious foil-wrapped dark chocolate eggs tomorrow morning after getting back from mass. Kathy gets them from Aglamesis Ice Cream and Candy Shop in Cincinnati.

My Defective Asphalt Shingles Book

I'm hoping that it's ready for you by the middle of April. I've had the book finished for over a month, but I can't publish it.

The holdup has been the approval of a provisional patent. I need to have the US Patent Office give me the time stamp on my patent application before I release the book.

While writing the book, I discovered something no one else in the world had noticed before.

The GOOD NEWS is that you'll benefit tremendously from this discovery!!!! I go into great detail in the book about it so you'll get all the information there.

The results of the survey I did two weeks ago were astonishing! If you were one who wants a simple PDF file of the book, you'll get it from me!

The book will be available in library-quality paperback with gorgeous high-resolution color photos. It will also be available as an Amazon Kindle book.

Remember, you don't have to own a Kindle to read it. You can download FREE Kindle reader software for tablets, your computer, etc.

I also plan to release an audio version, but that's going to happen after all the other versions are finished. A very tiny percentage wanted an audio version.

I want to do a special call out of a dear friend of mine I've known for nearly 40 years - Marty Hovey.

Marty is a super-talented graphic designer that's helped me with many things at AsktheBuilder.com since day one.

He's involved with this book project now and yesterday I asked him to modify a plumb-bob graphic he made years ago for an earlier version of the website.

This graphic will appear at the end of every chapter in the book.

My Plumb Bob Press company is the publisher of the book and I felt it was time to create a graphic that combined ancient know-how with modern laser-level technology.

In fact, I told Kathy yesterday that I'll bet many young carpenters / builders and homeowners have not even seen a plumb bob. I always have one in my tool belt because it's such an accurate tool.

The following copyrighted image is what I drew and sent to Marty. He transformed my concept into a wonderful finished product. Wait until you see it inside the book in full color.

Marty's image will me MUCH SMALLER in the book, so don't be fooled by its size below.

If you want to hire Marty to do work for you, let me know and I'll connect you. I can't say enough good things about Marty. Thanks Marty for all you've done.

CLICK HERE to see one of Marty's spectacular graphics. It's at the bottom of the page.

That 3D trench-drain graphic has been pirated COUNTLESS times on the Internet. I could spend all day everyday playing whack-a-pirate trying to get the images off all the websites that have STOLEN IT!

lazer bob


CLICK HERE for the MYSTERY LINK - Do you think you know everything about how to properly fill holes in stained wood? CLICK and behold some magic!


Upcoming Product Reviews

Here's a list of products I'm currently testing and will have reviews for you soon:

  • BioennoPower Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries
  • BioennoPower Solar Panel Charger!!!
  • Bosch Hand-held Chipping Hammer
  • Milwaukee Hand-held Chipping Hammer
  • Ames Pick and Grubbing Mattock
  • PC Products Super Glue - It looks *Amazing*!!!!

New Q & A Columns for You!

Here's some content that's been added to the website you probably don't know about!

Bath Remodel Cost

DIY Bath Fan Vent

Granny Pod House / Remote Man Cave / Remote Woman Oasis!

How to Repair Chipped Tile

That's enough for today.

Be patient about the Asphalt Shingles Book. When you see it, you'll be BLOWN AWAY.

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

Do It Right, Not Over!


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