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Manufacturers of Termite Control Systems

Manufacturers of Termite Control Systems

Your biggest problem may be finding an authorized pest control company that can use the system on your house. Only one company at this time allows you to install the system yourself - that being Spectracide. Their product was introduced in the spring of 1998. The other systems must be professionally installed and monitored. Call the companies below. At the time of this offering, several were offering free videos and other nifty information! When you call, you will be given the name(s) of local pest control companies.

  • FirstLine & FirstLineGT
    FMC Corp.
    These are two different systems. FirstLine is an above ground termite control system. A bait box is installed adjacent to an active termite mud tube. The worker termites eat a stomach poison. This chemical does not allow the termite to derive energy from the wood it eats. As such it can die within one to three weeks.FirstLine GT is a below ground bait station system. It is very new. The manufacturer states that a maximum of 14 stations can be put at any one residential house. They "must be placed in close proximity to actively foraging termites....." That makes sense, however, how does one know where active foraging is going on under-ground?
  • Sentricon
    Dow AgroSciences - 800-678-2388
    Sentricon was the first termite baiting system. This system employs a chemical called hexaflumuron - a growth regulator. This chemical prohibits the termite from molting or growing a new outer skin. Without a new skin, the termite basically "bursts" as it tries to grow. Death can occur within one to two months after ingestion.Pest control people install stations at 10 to 20 feet intervals around your house or anywhere where termite activity is suspected. The stations contain simple pieces of tasty wood. Once a station receives "hits" or activity, the wood is replaced with the poison bait. The stations need to be monitored on a regular basis to see if termite activity is being suppressed.
  • Subterfuge
    American Cyanamid Corp.
    Subterfuge is a fast acting no-nonsense poison. Worker termites who eat it simply die within several weeks. This system is installed in the soil from the get-go. The poison is not an attractant. You and the Pest control people "hope" the foraging termites will find it. However, once found it is very tasty. Tests have shown that the poison is actually desired by the termites! They want to eat it more than wood.
  • Terminate
    Terminate is the only system that is sold directly to homeowners.


Are you one of the manufacturers listed above? Do you want your company name to be a link to your website? Click here.

Column B176


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