Low Voltage Landscape Lighting Resources

These are the post cap lights on my Trex Transcend deck. It's magical to be on the deck at dusk. Copyright 2018 Tim Carter
I'm So Confused....!
Does planning and installing low voltage landscape lighting sound confusing? If so, you need to get the awesome planning guides that are available.
Perhaps one of the best is produced by Nightscaping. They have a series of booklets, guides, slide cards, etc. that will take you through the planning process.
The Nightscaping Technical Manual is a work of art, available on their website via a PDF download. It is a wonderful collection of photos of fixtures, tables, power center descriptions, etc. If you use this guide in conjunction with others mentioned in this Bulletin, you will really get a good grasp of how to properly install a first class exterior low voltage lighting system!
Low Voltage Planning Guides
It requires some thought to install low voltage lighting. You need to make sure you have enough fixtures and the correct sized power console to supply the required electricity. Not only that, the loads need to be balanced and the correct wire size has to be used. It can be complicating. Certain manufacturers have splendid guides that take you through the planning process step by step. Do whatever it takes to get the following booklets, pamphlets and books. You will not regret it in the least, trust me on this one!
A Simple Pamphlet
Intermatic publishes a very simplistic pamphlet that folds out. You can draw your deck or patio on it and then use the plan to calculate the number of lights, the size of the required power console and then the size of the wire that is used to feed the fixtures. The name of the pamphlet is: A Planning Guide to Building Your Own Professional Grade System. It is a bare bones guide. Keep reading for Intermatic's phone number.
A Must Have Guide!
Intermatic also publishes an awesome 51 page booklet that you must get at any expense. It is a small booklet - about 4.5 inches wide by 6 inches high. It is item # LV-92K and titled Light up Your Life. This booklet takes you through the entire process and has excellent color images, illustrations, etc. You are quickly educated on how to size fixtures, power centers and best of all, choose the right lights for the right purpose! Call Intermatic at 815-675-2321 and do whatever it takes to get this booklet!
CLICK or TAP HERE to get FREE QUOTES from local companies that can add dramatic outdoor lighting to your deck or patio.
If you are online, visit www.amazon.com and use their powerful search engine. Look under Low Voltage Exterior Lights. When you do this, I'll bet an older Ortho book comes up: How to Design and Install Outdoor Lighting by William Wilson. It is a great book.
Visit your library as well. See if they happen to have any recent titles on Exterior Low Voltage Lighting.
Companion Articles: Outdoor Lighting, Landscape Lighting, Low Voltage Landscape Lighting Problems, Low Voltage Outdoor Lighting Manufacturers
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