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June 6, 2021 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

Greetings! I’m sure glad you’re here! You just might be my newest subscriber. This is where I lay out the Welcome Mat for you and everyone else who became part of my virtual family in the past week.

You, though, might have been around here for so long you remember those amazing interior retractable window SCREENS I installed in my last house.
window in kitchen with screen

Who wants to futz around with those awkward giant screens that tumble out of the frames, etc. and BLOCK your view if you don’t take them out in the winter?

Come spring you have to put them back in the frames possibly tearing the screening and raising the stress level in your home.

CLICK or TAP HERE and behold an excellent solution to window screen issues!

Father’s Day Loot

Father’s Day is in two weeks. Do you need an idea for a gift that will be truly appreciated? Look no further than the following pages on my website:

Mechanix Durahide and Material 4X Gloves - WOWZA!

Coast PX20 Dual-COLOR Flashlight

Cool WATERPROOF Electric ARC Lighter - Life-Saving Gift!

Travel Chess Set for Dad on a Park Bench

Klein Thermal Imager!!!! STOP Energy Waste

FREE BIDS - Local Contractors

Man Shoveling

CLICK or TAP HERE or Mr. Shovel Boy above to get FREE BIDS for any job inside or outside your home. You’ll get calls within an hour. Have you noticed how Shovel Boy never tires? That was me when I was 23. Not so much now!

Lazy Days of Summer

Now that summer has unofficially arrived as of last Monday, I normally back way off on the content in these newsletters.


I want to be outdoors enjoying the wonderful summer weather here in the northern Hemisphere. I’m lucky enough to live in central New Hampshire where people from all over the world come to vacation. Look for yourself at what they get to see.

The first photo is looking south from Cannon Mountain. The second photo is a typical lake scene here in central New Hampshire.

 tim carter pointing to happiness

deck overlooking lake winnisquam, nh

My guess is you want to spend more time recreating outdoors instead of stuffing home improvement tips into your tiny gray cells!

Look below to see one of my favorite outdoor summer and fall activities.

tim carter and dave benson
I’ve become very active again in outdoor radio now that the snow and black flies are gone. I go to different state parks and state forests here in New Hampshire. Once there, I set up my small radio that allows me to communicate with other radio operators using Morse code.

This radio transmits using the same amount of energy the night light in your bathroom consumes. Can you believe a radio signal only needs that tiny amount of energy to travel thousands of miles?

I’ve participated in The Parks on the Air activity since it started in 2017. In the past two years, it’s surpassed critical mass. There are thousands of operators active in the program and when I go out to operate, I can almost be assured of making 20 or 30 contacts in just 30 minutes.

It’s scads of fun and more so if you have friends tag along or conscript someone who's willing to log for you. Afterwards, we almost always hunt for a purveyor of flavored frozen milk and cream.

CLICK or TAP HERE to read about my latest adventure earlier this past week. You’ll get to see a short video of a radio pileup.

What’s that? Think of a grade school classroom where half the room is trying to show the teacher how smart they are. Look in the right column, once you're at my radio blog for a list of other recent adventures.

Plumbing Plans & Plumbing Phone Coaching

Lately, I’ve been getting an increasing number of orders from folks who are in need of a plumbing permit. I’ve been a master plumber since 1981.

I’m one of the few people, maybe the only one online, who will draw the much-needed isometric drawing you need to get your permit. CLICK or TAP HERE to see what services I offer. You’ll see I do gas-line drawings as well as those to properly size water lines.

Yesterday, I helped Guy in TN size his water line that extends from a 3/4-inch meter 1000 feet to feed two houses. What size do you think that pipe needs to be? I can help you with that answer and it’s bigger than you think. The issue is two different situations might require two different pipe sizes. It’s all about elevation.

Moments ago while creating this newsletter, I called Joseph out in San Diego, CA. He’s an architect who’s installing a very trendy small bathroom in part of an unused garage.

Joe's dealing with a difficult situation with a drain pipe that's only 12 inches under the slab twenty feet away. I told him over the phone how he can legally flat-vent the drain pipes so he doesn’t have to raise the floor. Joseph was quite happy to hear this news!

Bottom Line: I do a BOATLOAD of phone consults about plumbing and any other issue with your home.

That’s enough for a Sunday. Have a great week working on your tan.

Thanks to all who responded to last week’s Memorial Day newsletter by sharing your stories of valor and your own hopes to preserve the Republic. We surely don’t want to waste those hundreds of thousands of gallons of blood that have been shed to defend the US Constitution.

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com
Get CLEAN - www.StainSolver.com
Cookie Crumble Contest Today: www.W3ATB.com

Do It Right, Not Over!

P.S. Do you know the right way to install new blacktop? I’m talking about making sure the edges don’t crack off. CLICK or TAP HERE to see if you know what to do.


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